Art Readings 2022 International Conference: Call for Papers
The Institute of Art Studies invites submissions of papers addressing the theme Art and Society.
By proposing this topic, research efforts are supposed to focus mainly on issues relating to social, political and ideological phenomena reflected in art. The organisers seek this discourse to be reconsidered in its various aspects such as, for instance, the imagery–recipient relationship, the commission–execution of an artwork relationship as well as the interplay between the social and the aesthetical.
The main subtopics that give an outline of the scope of the conference as follows
– Reflections of social conditions on art;
– Imagery and recipient–recipient and imagery;
– Power, tastes and commissions;
– Ideological aspects of the artistic suggestion;
– Socialisation through art;
– Social ideologemes in art;
– The art of minorities;
– Art as a repository of collective memory;
– Art as communication between different societies;
– Art as a catalyst for social change;
– Art communities;
– The social status of artists, etc.
Moreover, participants may explore art motifs and their usage to visualise certain ideas: in advertising; inclusion or segregation; designating an „another“ society; symbols of social well-being and poverty, etc.
Scholars working on similar themes in areas other than art history are also eligible to apply. Young researchers, postdocs and doctoral students shall not be less than 10% of the participants. The working languages of the conference shall be English and Bulgarian; the conference proceedings will be published as a book, including also papers in French and German.
Old Art Module
The organisers will apply for funding in 2021 hoping to hold the conference physically in 2022. Perhaps limited accommodations will be provided for some of the participants. Abstracts of 300 to 500 words, together with accompanying short CVs, all in English, as necessary to apply for funding shell be submitted by all applicants to Professional CV form is available to download at
International Organising Committee (in alphabetical order)
Andrea Babuin
Emmanuel Moutafov
Konstantinos Giakoumis
Nenad Makulijevic
Vincent Debiais
New Art Module:
he organisers will apply for funding in 2021 hoping to hold the conference physically in 2022. Perhaps limited accommodations will be provided for some of the participants. Abstracts of 300 to 500 words, together with accompanying short CVs, all in English, shell be submitted by all applicants as necessary to apply for funding to:
Fine arts:;
A copy of your application shall be sent to
International Organising Committee (in alphabetical order)
Adrian-Silvan Ionescu, Romanian Academy of Sciences, Romania
Elvira Popova, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico
FaniVavili-Tsinika, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Ingeborg Bratoeva-Daraktchieva, Institute of Art Studies, BAS, Sofia
Kamelia Nikolova, National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts, Institute of Art Studies, BAS, Sofia
Katerina Gadjeva, Institute of Art Studies, BAS, Sofia
Marina Frolova-Walker, University of Cambridge, UK
Ventsislav Dimov, University of Sofia, Institute of Art Studies, BAS, Sofia
Yana Hashamova, Ohio State University, USA
The Conference will be held 18–20 April, 2022, Institute of Art Studies, 21 Krakra St, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Deadline for submissions: 1 September 2021