29 Oct 2021

Prof. Svetlana Kuyumdzhieva, Institute of Art Studies, is a newly elected academician of BAS

Corr. Mem. Prof. Svetlana Kuyumdzhieva, Institute of Art Studies, a Bulgarian researcher, musicologist, is a newly elected academician of BAS. She works in the areas of musical Byzantine and Slavonic studies, exploring unexplored sources and works from Bulgarian musical history in the period between the ninth and the nineteenth centuries, laying new meteorological foundations in the studies of Bulgarian and Balkan Orthodox music.
She studied at the Faculty of Theory and piano at the National Academy of Music, Sofia (1972), specialised at Institut für Musikwissenschaft an der Universität in Hamburg, Germany(1986), Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, Harvard University, US (1993).
PhD (1980), DSc (1996), Senior Research Associate of first degree, Institute of Art Studies, BAS (2000). Corr, Mem, of BAS (2012).

Head of the Department of Music, Institute of Art Studies, BAS (2006–2012); elected as Vice-Presidents of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in 2012; Chairperson of the Expert Committee on Publishing, Management Board of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2012–2016); adviser to the Presidents of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2013–2017).

Teaches at the National Academy of Music, Sofia since 2011, University of Sofia since 2012. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Composers (1975); Memory of the World National Committee, Bulgaria, UNESCO (2011); Association of Byzantinists and Medievalists in Bulgaria (2012); Bulgarian National Committee of Slavists; Joint Monitoring Committee of Interreg-IPA Bulgaria – Republic of Macedonia (2014); Musica Antiqua Europae Orientalis (1978); Cantus Planus Study Group (1992); International Study Group of Byzantine Music (1999); International Association of Byzantine Studies and Hymnography (2009); International Society of Orthodox Church Music (2009); Inter-Academy Council for SouthEast Europe (2014).
She received a number of awards including BAS Young Researcher Award 1974; 1,300 Years Bulgaria Medal (1981); BAS Award (1983); Bulgarian National Radio Award for a course of lectures (1983); Union of Bulgarian Composers Book of the Year Award (2012, 2015).