16 Mar 2022

A new periodical devoted to humanities, cultural, historical and natural heritage

The Heritage BG Centre of Excellence will publish twice a year a new periodical devoted to humanities, cultural, historical and natural heritage, Bulletin Heritage BG: Research News as an e-journal and printed on paper. The fist edition of the Bulletin is already available at https://www.nasledstvo.bg/. Editor-in-Chief: Emmanuel Moutafov, Director of the Institute of Art Studies, BAS; Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Olya Harizanova, Dr Hab, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sofia.
The first issue contains papers from the Annual Conference held by the Heritage BG Centre of Excellence on 28–29 June 2021 at the University of Sofia, occasioned by the International Day for Monuments and Sites (under the Heritage BG project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 Creation and Development of Centres of Excellence, Science and Education for Smart Growth Operational Programme, priority axis 1 Research and Technological Development). The first issue of the Bulletin is to be indexed in Web of Science.
The Heritage BG Center for Excellence is led by the University of Sofia partnering up with eleven educational and research institutions, including six institutes of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum (IEFSEM); Institute of Art Studies (IAS); Prof. Alexander Fol Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology (IBSCT); Institute for Literature (IL).  The project seeks mainly to build a state-of-the-art infrastructure of R & D in the fields of creative and recreative industries.