The Editorial Board of Art Studies Quarterly Journal is inviting potential contributors to send their proposals (articles, studies and book reviews) for issue No. 4 / 2022 (December).
ASQ Journal is structured in three sections: Main Topic, Beyond the Main Topic and Book Reviews. Only the first section, which is also the central one, is predefined by the main topic of the issue.
The main topic of issue No. 4 / 2022 (December) is New approaches in History of Film.
Among the many new trends in film studies, some of the most rapidly developing in recent years are those focused on the history of cinema. The shift of scientific interests from the form and content of films to the study of their social being and reception is particularly evident in them. At the heart of this change of accent is the understanding of cinema first and foremost as a medium and place for social and cultural interaction. At the centre of this transformation is an interest in audiences, the study of reception and the process of film communication. At the next stage, the social and cultural existence of the film in a specific historical and social context becomes much more important. In line with the increased importance of technology in contemporary art, historical aspects related to the role of the technique in cinematic production and presentation, and how these kinds of changes affect traditional ways of seeing, thinking, feeling and being, are gaining new importance.
In short: this call stimulates a changed perspective on the history of cinema. It is not the position of film critics and scholars, proponents of auteur cinema and aesthetic experimentation, who absolutize the modernization of the film language and the improvement of the means of expression, but the attention to the relationship between the everyday functioning of films and the processes in society, that takes precedence. As the field of film studies expands, so do the research tools. Alongside the aesthetic and well-established cinematic approaches, opportunities are opened for the application of methods from various social sciences and humanities that explore phenomena and processes from the realms of cinema. The historical aspects of the functioning of the institutions of cinema, the production, distribution, exhibition and festival activities, as well as the emergence of independent, alternative and amateur cinema practices, the presence of cinema in everyday life, the formation of memory of past spectatorship practices and receptions are of interest in the framework of this call.
Priority will be given to original texts dealing with unexplored or under-researched topics within the outlined themes, based on in-depth examination of archival and other less known historical sources, personal recollections and testimonies.
С интерес очакваме ашите заявки за текстове, насочени към очертаването на нови посоки и теми в историята на киното, които сме готови да публикуваме в книжка 4-а (декември) на списание Проблеми на изкуството/ Art Studies Quarterly за 2022.
We look forward to receiving your submissions aimed at outlining new directions and new subjects in the history of cinema, which we are ready to publish in No. 4 (December) of the Art Studies Quarterly Journal for 2022.
Potential authors are invited to submit their abstracts (up to 1000 characters) and a short bio (up to 500 characters) by 15 July 2022. Completed articles and studies formatted according to the journal's author guidelines, should be submitted by September 15, 2022. All articles are subject to a double-blind peer-review process. The issue is scheduled to be released by 15 December 2022.
Please send your submissions to the journal's email address and to the issue editor
Thank you!
Dr. Alexander Donev, Associate Professor at the Art Studies Institute – BAS, Sofia
Issue Editor