Scholars from the Theatre sector organize the international scientific conference “Rethinking the Theatre Heritage from the Time of Communism” (4 – 5 June) within the International Theatre Festival “Varna Summer” 2023
The International Scientific Conference "Rethinking the Theatre Heritage from the Time of Communism" was one of the highlights of the 31st edition of the International Theatre Festival "Varna Summer" held every year from 1 to 10 June. Its organizers and the moderators of the individual panels are scholars from the Theatre sector – Prof. D.Sc. Nikolay Yordanov, Prof. D.Sc. Kamelia Nikolova and Assoc. Prof. Rumyana Nikolova, PhD. Researchers of the recent past from Poland (Dr. Justyna Michalik-Tomala), the Czech Republic (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petr Hristov) and Germany (Prof. Dr. Jens Richard Giersdorf, PhD) participated as authors of the main reports and in the discussions after each panel of the conference, as well as a number of other scientists from the Institute of Art Studies – Prof. D.Sc. Romeo Popiliev, Assoc. Prof. Alexander Donev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Albena Tagareva, PhD, Assist. Prof. Petar Denchev, PhD, Assist. Prof. Milena Mihaylova, PhD, as well as from other universities in the country and abroad – Prof. D.Sc. Plamen Doynov (New Bulgarian University), Toni Nikolova, PhD (Culture magazine), Prof. Veneta Doytcheva, PhD (NATFA), Prof. Patrice Pavis (France), Prof. Savas Patsalidis (Greece), Prof. Kim Yun-Cheol (South Korea) and others.
The full program of the conference can be found here: Conference programme PRINT