3 Oct 2023

Participation of Scientists from the Institute of Art Studies – BAS in the International Scientific Conference “Reflections of Beliefs: The Material and Social Manifestations of Sacralism” in Ohrid

Ohrid 2023From 4 to 6 October, the international scientific conference "Reflections of Beliefs: The Material and Social Manifestations of Sacredness" will be held in Ohrid. The conference is organised by the Institute for Old Slavic Culture in Prilep.
The organisational team of the conference includes Corr. Member Prof. Ivanka Gergova from the Institute of Art Studies, who will present a report on "Zograf, Treskavec and Hristofor Zhefarovic". The conference will be attended by Assoc. Prof. Ivan Vanev, PhD, and Assist. Prof. Maya Zaharieva, PhD, who will present their latest studies on the "St. Dimitar" church in the village of Gamzovo (Vidin region). Asst. Professor Darina Boykina, PhD, will participate with a report prepared together with Vuk Dautovic, PhD, from the University of Belgrade, dedicated to the function of reliquaries in the 19th century.
Participation in the conference is funded by the National Culture Fund.