17 Jan 2024

Cinema Culture, Arts and National Images in Bulgaria (KINO.BG). Formation of the Public Importance of Film Culture in the Period Between the Two World Wars

Collective project funded by the Research Fund

Head: Assoc. Prof. Alexander Donev, PhD
In problematic module Bulgarian cultural heritage in the European and world context

The publication programme of the project will be implemented by a team of Assoc. Prof. Alexander Donev, PhD, Assoc. Prof. Andronika Martonova, PhD, Prof. Joanna Spassova-Dikova, PhD, from the IAS and three external participants in three main types of publications:

Monographic study on the influence of foreign cinema on Bulgarian culture in the period between the two world wars, 250 pp.; Monographic study on early industrial practices in Bulgarian cinema, 250 pp.; Album bilingual edition (in Bulgarian and English, summarizing the results of the project, 160 pp.; annotated collection of reviews and publications on cinema from the era, accompanied by the Cinema critic study (1920–1940); collection 'Cinema and its place in culture and other arts in Bulgaria in the 1920s and 1930s', 250 pp., including articles and reports in Bulgarian and English from two scientific conferences. All books will be published in limited numbers – about 100-150 copies and available online free of charge on the project’s website and in the Editions section of the Institute’s website.

The second type of publications will be targeted to refereed publications. The third type of publications will be of a popular nature, intended for a wider audience such as Portal Kultura, Vapreki.com, Obache.bg and others.

The duration of the project is 3 years, from 16.11.2021 to 16.11.2024, with interim reporting on 16.05.2023.