Presentation of the achievements of the scholars from the Institute of Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for 2024 and awarding the annual Animated Heritage Awards.
In the last days before 2024 expires, a public presentation of scientific publications and achievements during the year took place in the hall of the Institute of Art Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
Assoc. Prof. Stefka Venkova, PhD, Scientific Secretary, introduced the participants to the publications of the Institute’s scholars, including 13 monographs, the complete set of issues of the two academic journals “Bulgarian Musicology” and “Art Studies Quarterly,” referenced in ERIH PLUS, the two volumes of “Art Readings” Metamorphoses, indexed in Web of Science; and the electronic edition “Art Platform.”
Collective projects with external funding were also presented. Prof. Alexander Donev, PhD, presented the large-scale activity under the project at the Scientific Research Fund “Cinema Culture, Arts, and National Images in Bulgaria (KINO.BG). Formation of the public importance of film culture in the period between the two world wars”, including organising a scientific conference and participating in 7 more scientific forums, publishing 20 scientific articles and two monographs on the project’s topics, organising exhibitions, and recording a podcast.
Assist. Prof. Darina Boykina, PhD, Head of the project “Liturgical Objects in the Context of Art of Goldsmithing During the Period of Ottoman Rule (based on materials from the Diocese of Plovdiv)”, funded by the Scientific Research Fund of the “Competition for Fundamental Research Funding of Young Scientists and Postdocs”, presented the intensive work of the team, including the organisation and holding of a prestigious international conference with the participation of 20 prominent scholars from abroad, the publication of a collection of summaries of its reports, as well as nine participations in various scientific forums.
Assoc. Prof. Dimitrina Popova, PhD, presented the extensive activity of the “Memory Topos: Bulgarian Cultural Heritage” project financed under the National Scientific Program “Development and Recognition of Bulgarian Studies Abroad”. The Institute of Art Studies realised two specialisations – one young scholar and one established foreign Bulgarian studies scholar. One young foreign scholar was assisted in publishing their first monograph and working on scientific projects. Twenty-one reports have been developed under the project and presented at national and international scientific forums; there are ten scientific publications, including two monographs by scholars from the Institute. The scientific seminar “Memory Topos: Bulgarian Cultural Heritage” was held. A number of documents have been digitised; capture and three-dimensional reconstruction and visualisation of sites of architectural heritage in Bulgaria have been carried out.
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Vanev, PhD, Head of the project “Ivan Goshev’s Contribution to the Formation of the Iconographic Department of National Church and History Museum (Research and Documentation of Archives and Collections)”, successfully reported in 2024 and funded by the Scientific Research Fund, presented to the audience with the results of the large-scale work of the team. During the project, all iconographic works from the museum’s Iconographic Department were documented and studied – a significant fund in its volume and variety, with chronological boundaries from the end of the 13th to the 20th century, composed of iconographic works that were, for the most part, not exhibited and studied. The collective monograph “Icons from the National Church Historical and Archaeological Museum”, published by the Institute, is a significant scientific study of a fundamental nature.
The presentation of the achievements was followed by an official ceremony at which the Director of the Institute, Prof. Joanna Spassova-Dikova, PhD, presented the annual Animated Heritage Awards to the Institute of Art Studies for exceptional contribution to the creative interpretation of the traditions and values of the Bulgarian and world cultural heritage in a contemporary work of art. Prof. Georgi Dyulgerov, film director and screenwriter, was awarded in the Screen Arts category for his 80th anniversary, and the artist Alzek Misheff in the Fine Arts category – for his overall work.