The Editorial Board of Art Studies Quarterly Journal invites prospective authors to submit their proposals for papers, articles, and reviews to be published in the periodical’s 2nd issue for 2025, scheduled for printing in June 2025.
The issue’s theme is Objecthood, Environment, Art and draws attention to so-called environmental arts, object environment and design. The historical perspective implies an insight into their generic and genre dynamics, theoretical developments in the conceptual field and specific cases of artistic intervention in the object environment. The questions of applied or fine, unique or typical, traditional or modern, art or craft, as raised, remain part of the established research line in this field. Research on the theme’s contemporary dimensions, such as the blurring of boundaries, digital technology, and hybrid forms, is encouraged. The main priority will be to reflect on the processes in the proposed thematic field and the role of leading researchers and artists.
Proposals should be submitted by 24 January 2025 and include a short, up to 1,000-character abstract of a paper, article or review and a brief, up to 500-character author resume.
Texts accepted for publication will be announced by 31 January 2025.
The final papers should include up to 45,000 characters, the articles up to 18,000 characters, and the reviews between 8,000 to 12,000 characters. The text submission deadline is 11 April 2025.
Please send your applications to the journal’s e-mail address: and the issue’s lead editor, Mariya Miteva, Ch. Asst. Prof., PhD:
All articles submitted will be subject to double anonymous peer review. Manuscript requirements can be found here:
(Bulgarian) Указания за авторите
(English) Submission guidelines
Art Studies Quarterly is a Bulgarian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Art Studies periodical abstracted in the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).
The journal is in the process of applying for abstracting in Web of Science –[]=MUST=default=Problemi+na+izkustvoto&search_id=14185506#