28 Dec 2015

Musician Nikolay Iv. Nikolaev (1852–1938): Role and contribution to building of Bulgarian music culture

01 August, 2014 – 01 August, 2016

Author: Asst. Prof. Stefka Venkova, PhD, Music Department

The work continues the topical trend of extending and deepening of the research in the field of church music in Bulgaria. The study on the life and work of Nikolay Nikolaev and his family would broaden the idea of the church-music life of that period, of which a number of studies have already been conducted by our research group such as the one on Dobri Hristov’s work.
The scientific application of the subject would help outlined more visibly the trends and contribution to the Bulgarian church music in the first half of the twentieth century. The exhaustive presentation of the work and life of Nikolaev–Strumski fills a gap in musicological research in this field, expanding the history of Bulgarian music.
The individual project will be developed as a monographic study.