27 Mar 2017

Art Hour: Presenting publications by researchers at the Department of Music

The latest editions by researchers at the Department of Music, Institute of Art Studies, BAS in the field of music theory and history of music were presented at Ruse Regional History Museum on 23 March as Ruse International Music Festival March Music Days side event. The event was mounted by the Institute of Art Studies, BAS (within the Art Hour initiative).
The event moderator Assoc. Prof. Mariana Buleva, DSc (University of Veliko Turnovo; associate member of the Department of Music) and the authors presented the books by Stefka Venkova Apostol Nikolaev-Strumski: A Life, Inspired by Music and Yavor Genov’s Latin Chant for Saints, Venerated both in Western and Eastern Churches. The audience of teachers, students and pupils at Angel Kanchev University of Ruse and Prof. Veselin Stoianov National School of Arts and music lovers were familiarized with the latest issues of Bulgarian Musicology journal and the special edition of Elena Stoin’s Folk Musical Dialects in Sound by Goritsa Naidenova.