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Please, underline your answer to the questions
1. The author is adequately informed about the current state of the
research field and most relevant (new) works
Completely Partly No
2. The author’s contribution to the topic is (multiple answers are allowed):
A New Interpretation
New data
New theoretical framework
Other/s (specify):
3. Within the research field the importance of the topic is:
Major Minor Discutable Null
4. The author’s goals, statements and conclusions are clearly formulated
Completely Partly No
5. The summary, the abstract and the key words properly reflect the text
Completely Partly No
6. The title corresponds to the content
Completely Partly No
7. The paper is written on a good linguistic and stylistic level
Completely Partly No
8. Recommendations to the editors:
Accept for publishing without changes
Accept for publishing after changes by the author:
minor corrections
major revision
9. Comments and recommendations to the author: