Bulgarian Musicology is the sole academic music and musicology periodical in Bulgaria. It was launched in 1977 as a musicological series to evolve into a quarterly since 1981.
It is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal by both foreign and Bulgarian reviewers.
Published articles deal with phenomena and processes in various areas of Bulgarian and international musical culture, using advanced analytical approaches. Priority is given to those considering newly found records, understudied or unstudied events, processes, historical periods, genres, etc. Special issues are devoted to significant historical and contemporary topics.
The journal welcomes articles by both established and young musicologists from Bulgaria and abroad.
The journal has an established supply chain across Bulgaria covering over 40 libraries across the world. Wide readerships of all ages show interest in the journal: professional musicians; studying music; humanities scholars.
The journal is being presented along with other musicological editions, commented in the press and e-media.
Abstracting & indexing:
ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities)
CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library)
RILM (Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale
Abstracts of the articles are published in the Issues section.
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