Art Readings – New Art International Conference
Institute of Art Studies, BAS, Sofia
Submission and Publication Guidelines
Art Readings – New Art conference proceedings series shall undergo an external double-blind peer-review by Web of Science (WoS) and must meet the rigorous criteria expected of the thematic peer-reviewed editions that are included in this scientometric database.
The International Organising Committee and the Advisory Board of Art Readings International Conference shall select only those proposals, which meet the strict requirements of subject coverage and the general style and formatting guidelines. The papers accepted for publication shall be double-blind peer-reviewed.
Submissions in English or Bulgarian shall be sent to the editorial e-mails.
Papers shall be submitted in two versions, full and anonymous. Authors are required to assign copyright in their papers. Please fill in and submit this form: Declaration_EN.
The full version should include:
– The title of the paper in Bulgarian and in English;
– Given and surname of the author in Bulgarian and in English, followed by the first footnote including a summary of the author’s academic profile in English and E-mail, e.g.:
1 Dr. Nadezhda Marinchevska is a Professor at the Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She was a long-term lecturer at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts and the New Bulgarian University. Research areas: film studies and animation. Author of the books: Bulgarian Animation 1915–1995 (2001); Frames of Imagination. Aesthetics of Animation Techniques (2005) and Animation Hybrids (2015). Awards: The Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers’ Award for Film Theory (2006) and the Bulgarian Film Academy’s Award for Film Criticism (2014).
– Author affiliation/workplace in Bulgarian and in English;
– Abstract should be added below the title, of no less than 400 and no more than 600 characters with spaces and keywords (the maximum of 7, not repeating words/terms included in the title) in Bulgarian and in English.
– The paper itself, fully complying with the style guidelines below;
– Summary: a text different from the abstract; no less than 600 and no more than 900 characters with spaces in English.
1. General Guidelines
● Length: not more than 18,000 characters (including spaces), incl. the abstract, summary, keywords, footnotes, references, filmography (if any), addenda;
● The document should be produced in Microsoft Word (doc/docx);
● Font: (including tables and figure legends and captions): 12-point Times New Roman;
● Illustrations/Figures: not more than 10, in the jpg or tif format (the minimum resolution of 300-600 dpi). Figures should be submitted as separate files (1 file per figure) and not included in the manuscript text. The information about the figures/tables shall be given in Bulgarian and English and entered in a separate list, including their provenance: book, journal, online (link), personal or public archives, etc. Figures/tables may be numbered in the order of their appearance in the text in brackets (Il. 1), (Ills. 2, 3).
The provided list of figure legends shall contain a description of each figure as follows:
Michail Katz. Worker, granite, Stockholm, Sweden, placed in a garden before being installed on a pedestal on Industry Square (CSA, f. 945, inv. no, 1, a.u. 103)
No full stop is put after the captions.
Figure captions to articles in English shall be in English.
2. Style guide
● All articles should be written in clear idiomatic English, using British spelling. Where British spelling allows the use of ‘s’ or ‘z’ (e.g. ‘recognise’/‘recognize’), the ‘s’ spelling should be used.
● Possessives for one-syllable names should be in the form, for example, ’Rawls’s’ or ‘Zeus’s’.
● Spell out whole-number words for one to ten: spell out words for ‘first’, ‘second’ and so on. Use figures for numbers above ten: 1,000/1,000,000/1,000,000,000. If a number starts a sentence, it should be expressed in words, not numerals: e.g. ‘Sixteen sherds…’ Approximate numbers should be expressed in words: e.g. ‘around fifty sherds’.
● Titles of books, journals, plays, films, musical works etc., should be given in italics if they are a complete published work, e.g. A Tale of Two Cities has perhaps the most famous opening sentence in English literature.
● Dates:
– Always put the date before the month. Don’t use ‘th’, etc., with dates: e.g. Easter this year is on 13 April;
– Dates in the text should be written out in words (fifth century BC, sixteenth century BC, etc.). In footnotes and captions they should be written as numerals (5th century, 16th century, etc.). Approximate dates should be indicated by ‘c.’, with the date immediately following (no space) – e.g. ‘c.450 BC’. Days of the month should be styled as (e.g.) ‘15 June’, not ‘15th June’.
● Use ‘per cent’ in the main text, ‘%’ in footnotes and captions.
● Compass points: in the main text these should be spelled out in full, with compounds hyphenated (e.g. ‘south-east’, ‘north-north-west’); in footnotes, and captions they should be abbreviated to ‘SE’, ‘NNW’, etc.
● Don’t use full stops after any abbreviations DPhil, am, pm, and contractions: Mr Dr St (Saint) St (Street).
● Ellipsis:
Use an ellipsis to show that some text is missing, usually from a quotation; do not surround it with spaces, e.g. …we shall fight on the beaches…we shall never surrender… There is no need to add square brackets around an ellipsis.
● Brackets: round, but square for brackets within brackets, e.g.
‘( ….[…])’.
● Use single quotation marks for direct speech or a quote, and double quotation marks for direct speech or a quote within that.
‘I have never been to Norway,’ he said, ‘but I have heard it described as “the Wales of the North”.’
● Comments and explanations within quotations should be encloses within square brackets [ ].
● Highlighting/emphasising text:
Bold: Use bold sparingly to emphasise the part of your text you wish to stand out.
Punctuation which follows bold text should not itself be bold (unless the whole sentence is in bold type).
Italic: Use italics to flag part of your text, which is different from that surrounding it.
● Dashes and hyphens:
n-dash (–):
– Use in a pair in place of round brackets or commas, surrounded by spaces, e.g. It was – as far as I could tell – the only example of its kind;
– Use singly and surrounded by spaces to link two parts of a sentence, in place of a colon, e.g. The bus was late today – we nearly missed the lecture;
– Use to link concepts or ranges of numbers, with no spaces either side, e.g. German–Polish non-aggression pact; The salary for the post is £25,000–£30,000;
– Use between names of joint authors/creators/performers, etc., to distinguish from hyphenated names of a single person, e.g. Lennon–McCartney compositions.
Hyphen (-):
– In an adjectival phrase before a noun, e.g. the up-to-date list; mid-nineteenth-century narrative;
–With prefixes before a proper name, number or date, e.g. pre-2000 politics; the mid thirteenth century;
– In numbers which are spelt out, e.g. Twenty-seven;
– In compass points (unless used geographically rather than as directions), e.g. They are heading south-east.
● Full stop, exclamation mark and question mark:
– Use one – but only one – of these at the end of every sentence;
– Use a full stop, not a question mark, at the end of a reported question;
– Use a question mark for a direct question (whether in quotation marks or not).
● Footnotes: Indicate footnotes with superscript Arabic numerals which should appear after the relevant punctuation in the text (if any). Put the footnote marker at the end of a sentence, unless for the sake of clarity it is necessary to put it directly after the word or phrase to which it relates. If the word or phrase to which the footnote marker relates is in brackets, put the marker before the closing bracket. A quotation need not be footnoted separately from the name of the source from which it is derived if the two appear in the same sentence. Otherwise, separate notes should be used. Close footnotes with a full stop (or question or exclamation mark). Where more than one citation is given in a single footnote reference, separate them with semi-colons. Do not use endnotes!
3. References
● In-text citations give the author’s surname followed by the date of publication plus colon and page(s) in round brackets (Popov 1993: 287).
● Multiple authors: the editor’s surname followed by ed./eds and the date of publication plus colon and page(s) in round brackets: (Dimitrova, ed. 1998: 56).
● With no author: the title (Romanised when in Cyrillic): (Tehnicheski narachnik 1998: 56).
● Archival units are cited in a footnote:
45 CSA, f. 945, inv. no. 1, a.u. 7.
The full information is given in the Bibliography/Resources:
CSA (Central State Archives ), f. 945: Централен държавен архив, фонд 945 – Михаил Яковлевич Кац [Centralen darzhaven archiv, fond 945 – Mihail Yakovlevich Katz].
● No in-text/footnote citations of online resources are allowed. In-text citations of online resources give the author’s surname followed by the date of publication plus colon and page(s) (if any) in round brackets (Strause 2018: 5)
The links are given at the end in the Bibliography/Online resources.
4. Bibliography
● All cited authors and works should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper.
Resources, literature and online resources should be entered in separate lists.
● The names in Cyrillic should be Romanised. The name(s) of the author(s) should be written out in English alone. A cited title in Cyrillic should be written out in the original and then Romanised and enclosed within square brackets [ ]:
Bratanova (2015): Bratanova, Bogralina. Приложна графика и символизъм в България [Prilozhna grafika i simvorizam v Balgariya]. Sofia.
For Romanising Bulgarian and Russian, see:
● When a work published in a language other than the original is referred to, the name of the author and the title shall be in the original language and the title of the translation shall not be Romanised:
Wajda (2010): Wajda, Andrzej. Киното и останалия свят [Kino i reszta świata]. Sofia.
The bibliography shall be divided in resources, literature and online resources.
● Resources
The used interviews, private and/or public archival material, records, albums, catalogues, etc., that have been footnoted in-text, shall be listed here. The abbreviations shall be deciphered, Romanised and enclosed within square brackets [ ], If certain institutions have websites in English, the official name of the institution shall be written out in English and its link shall be provided:
NLKM, BHA, f. 129: Национална библиотека „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, Български исторически архив, фонд 129 – Тефтер на Бончо Димитров [National Library “SS. Cyril and Methodius”, Bulgarian Historical Archive, fond 129 – Tefter na Boncho Dimitrov].
● Literature
Here the cited monographs, books and collections are listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors.
Books in Latin letters:
Parkinson (1996): Parkinson, David. History of Film. New York.
In-text: (Parkinson 1996: 44).
A book in Cyrillic (with Romanisation):
Dafinov (2006): Dafinov, Zdravko. Приятелства и съперничества между българските поети, писатели и критици. Документална хроника 1845–1945 [Priyatelstva i sapernichestva mezhdu balgarskite poeti, pisateli i krititsi. Dokumentalna hronika 1845–1945]. Sofia.
In-text: (Dafinov 2006: 65).
Multiple authors:
Cleland, Davies, Llewellyn-Jones (2007): Cleland, Liza; Glenys Davies; Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones. Greek and Roman Dress from A to Z. London, New York.
In-text: (Cleland, Davies, Llewellyn-Jones 2007: 253-254).
The author has many publications in a given year:
Grimm (1946a): Grimm, Jacob; Wilhelm. Седемте козлета. Преразказана от Елисавета Консулова Вазова [Sedemte kozleta. Prerazkazana ot Elisaveta Konsulova-Vazova]. Sofia.
Grimm (1946b): Grimm, Jacob; Wilhelm. Спящата принцеса. Преразказана от Ценко Цветанов [Spyashtata printsesa. Prerazkazana ot Tsenko Tsvetanov]. Sofia.
In-text: (Grimm 1946а: 6) and (Grimm 1946b: 12)
Slavova (2015): Slavova, Liubka. Кой се страхува от котарака? [Koy se strahuva ot kotaraka?] – In: Годишник на департамент „Романистика и германистика“. Юбилейно изднаие в част на доц. д-р Ани Леви. Съст. Мария Спасова. [Godishnik na departament „Romanistika i germanistika“. Yubileyno izdnaie v chast na dots. d-r Ani Levi. Sast. Maria Spasova.], Sofia, 399-407.
In-text: (Slavova 2015: 399-407 or the respective page).
The names of the periodicals are not italicised and are preceded by an n-dash (–).
Penev (1907): Penev, Boyan. Литературата около „Българан“ [Literaturata okolo „Balgaran“]. – Мисъл [Misal], 1, 58-72.
In-text: (Penev 1907: 58-72).
● Online resources
When citing an online resource give the author(s), title, publication date (if any) and a link plus the date on which the online resource was accessed. If the website or webpage does not have an author, substitute the title of the page for the author in the in-text citation and reference list entry:
Strause (2018): Strause, Jackie. 'Black Mirror' Interactive Film: Inside the 2-Year Journey of 'Bandersnatch'. – The Hollywood Reporter, December 28, 2018. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2021]
In-text: (Strause 2018: and the p./pp. if any).
Ruseva (2017): Ruseva, Maria. Модернизъм и постмодернизъм. Мистика и мистификация. – Култура, 21 април 2017 [Modernizam i postmodernizam. Mistika i mistifikatsiya – Kultura, 21 April 2017]. Available at: [Accessed 24 April 2021]
In-text: (Ruseva 2017: and the p./pp. if any).
The anonymised version shall be submitted in a separate, and fully anonymised file, containing the main text, but without the author’s name or affiliations so that the identity of the author is not disclosed to the peer reviewers. Please, make sure that:
● You have removed your name under the title;
● Use an impersonal construction to refer to work/works you have previously undertaken, e.g. ‘… as it has been shown before’, followed by (Anonymous 2009);
● Your figures and captions do not contain any affiliation-related identifiers;
● You have removed references to funding sources;
● You have not included any acknowledgments;
● You have removed any identifying information from file names, and make sure that the document properties are also made anonymous.
Please, send both your versions to:
Fine arts:
Music arts:
Theatre arts:
Screen arts:
All articles with a copy attached therein should be sent to:
The participants in the Art Readings – New Art Module International Conference will be notified of the submission deadline, which is set by the International Organising Committee.
Include the title of your paper (or its abridged version) in the filename adding hyphened anonym, omit your name in the second filename:
Title of the article: The Stage Director in the Last Two Decades and his/her Transformations
File 1: The Stage Director in
File 2: The Stage Director in-anonym
The files containing illustrations should be named:
The Stage Director in-Photo-1,
The Stage Director in-Photo-2, etc.