Instructions for publication

Bulgarian Musicology publishes original research studies, relevant to the scope of the journal.

The Editorial Board considers only submissions that are previously unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The author(s) shall notify the Editorial Board if the paper has been submitted for publication elsewhere and has already been published.

Each article is subjected to peer reviewing by two independent scholars who are not members of the Editorial Board and are well established experts in the respective research field. The reviewing is based on the double blind principle: both the reviewers and the author of the article remain anonymous to each other. The articles are evaluated according to their original scientific input, good argumentation of the thesis, style and language. The authors are expected to answer the recommendations of the reviewers.

Each article should be submitted in two versions: one containing complete information about the author(s) complying with the guidelines bellow (see Instructions for the final version), while the other should be anonymous (see Instructions for the anonymous submission).


Manuscripts submitted to the journal should use 12 pt, Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing. Articles may not exceed 25 standard pages (a standard page contains 1,800 characters with spaces), including references fully formatted in agreement with the journal’s style guide.

Submissions should include as follows: a separate title page (title and author(s)’s name(s) without using abbreviations, but not their academic positions and scientific degrees); an abstract not exceeding 20 lines; up to 6 keywords; complete text with footnotes placed at the bottom of the page to which it pertains; supplementary materials (if any); references; complete addresses of all authors (academic positions, author(s)’s name(s) and affiliations, complete mailing addresses and email addresses and telephone numbers; an abstract not exceeding 30 lines for translation or directly in Bulgarian).

Authors should list separately any examples of sheet music, illustrations, tables, etc., their titles and consecutive number always referred to in the text (Fig. 1; Table 2, etc.).


The file of the anonymous version should not contain on the title page author(s)’s name(s) or their affiliation; funding and/or acknowledgment details should be blinded and other self-identifying author information should be removed. It would be advisable to remove the author(s)’s name(s) from the filename. Be sure to check there are no self-references in the text and the reference list or other details that would reveal the identity of the author(s).


References in the text should be provided in square brackets:

[Кърклисийски / Karklisiyski, 2011, с. 45]

[Кърклисийски / Karklisiyski, 2011, с. 72 – 74]

[Badura-Skoda, 2005, р. 32 – 35]


A list of the authors in alphabetical order by first author(s)’s surname(s) should be provided at the end of the submission with the publications in Cyrillic letters on the top. Works by the same author(s) from the same year should be differentiated by adding ‘a’, ‘b’, etc., after the years (e.g. 2016a, 2016b).


Titles cited in Cyrillic letters shall be transliterated into Latin characters in square brackets immediately after the main title. The transliteration shall be carried out under the Transliteration Act passed by the National Assembly. The titles can be transliterated automatically using: (from Bulgarian/Russia), (from Serbian) and (from Greek), obligatorily checking the correctness of the transliteration. It would be highly advisable the Christian and surnames to be transliterated into Latin letters as established in publications, e.g.:

Христов, Добри – Hristov, Dobri

Христов, Димитър – Christoff, Dimiter

Ненов, Димитър – Nenov, Dimitar

Джуджев, Стоян – Djoudjeff, Stoyan


For the names of journals and institutions officially translated into English, the translation should be used instead of transliteration (e.g. Bulgarian Musicology, rather than “Balgarsko muzikoznanie”; Institute of Art Studies, rather than Institut za izsledvane na izkustvata).

When citing a translation of a publication by a non-Bulgarian author(s), the original author(s)’s name(s) and the title of the publication should be provided in the square brackets.


Examples of the reference style



Крумов, Красимир (2013). Поетика на българското кино. София: Agata, 2013 [Krumov, Krasimir (2013). Poetika na balgarskoto kino. Sofia: Agata, 2013].

Кърклисийски, Томи (2011). Жанрът „Концерт за оркестър“ в музиката на ХХ век. София: Хайни, 2011 [Karklisiyski, Tomi (2013). Zhanrat „Kontsert za orkestar“ v muzikata na ХХ vek. Sofia: Haini, 2011].

Делез, Жиль и Феликс Гваттари (1998). Что такое философия. Москва: АЛЕТЕИЯ, 1998 [Deleuze Gilles, Felix Guattari. Qu’est-ce que la philosophie? Moskva: ALETEIYA, 1998].

Badura-Skoda, Paul (2005). Interpreting Bach at the Keyboard. London: Oxford University Press, 2005.

Articles in encyclopedias, collections, proceedings of scientific events:

Букурещлиев, Михаил (1967). Джуджев, Стоян. – В: Енциклопедия на българската музикална култура. София: Наука и изкуство, 1967, с. 226 [Bukureshtliev, Mihail (1967). Djoudjeff, Stoyan. – In: Entsiklopediya na balgarskata muzikalna kultura. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1967, s. 226].

Видински, Васил (2010). Експериментална рецепта за култура. – В: Култура, медии, публичност. Сборник от конференцията, посветена на 50-годишнината на вестник „Култура”. София: УИ „Св. Климент Охридски”, 2010, с. 36 – 43 [Vidinski, Vasil (2010). Eksperimentalna retsepta za kultura. – In: Kultura, medii, publichnost. Sbornik ot konferentsiyata, posvetena na 50-godishninata na vestnik „Kultura”. Sofia: UI „Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, 2010, s. 36 – 43].

Стоянов, Веселин (1968). За българския музикален стил. – В: Баларева, Агапия (съст. и ред.). Българските музикални дейци и проблемът за националния музикален стил. София: БАН, 1968, с. 89 – 90 [Stoyanov, Veselin (1968). Za balgarskiya muzikalen stil. – In: Balareva, Agapiya (sast. i red.). Balgarskite muzikalni deytsi i problemat za natsionalniya muzikalen stil. Sofia: BAS, 1968, s. 89 – 90].

Тодоров, Цветан (1975). Поэтика. – В: Структурализм „за” и „против”. Москва: Прогресс, 1975, с. 6 – 32 [Todorov, Tsvetan (1975). Poetika. – In: Strukturalizm „za” i „protiv”. Moskva: Progress, 1975, s. 6 – 32].

Utz, Christian (1013). Errinerte Gestalt und gebannter Augenblick. Zur Analyse und Interpretation post-tonaler Musik als Wahrnehmungspraxis – Klangorganisation und Zeiterfahrung bei Morton Feldman, Helmut Lachenmann und Brian Ferneyhough. – In: Ans Licht gebracht. Zur Interpretation neuer Musik heute. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung Darmstadt 53. Mainz: Schott, 2013, S. 40 – 66.

Journal articles:

Ботушаров, Любен (1996). Разковничето е стилът. – В: Българско музикознание, 1996, № 4, с. 81 – 84 [Botuscharov, Luben (1996). Razkovnicheto e stilat. – In: Bulgarian Musicology, 1996, № 4, s. 81 – 84].

Големинов, Марин (1974). За хармонизациите и разработките на народни песни. – В: Българска музика, 1974, № 3, с. 70 – 71 [Goleminov, Marin (1974). Za harmonizatsiite i razrabotkite na narodni pesni. – In: Bulgarska muzika, 1974, № 3, s. 70 – 71].

Bellman, Jonathan (2001). “The Noble Pathways of the National”: Romantic and Modern Reactions to National Music. – In: The Pendragon Review: A Journal of Musical Romanticism, 2001, Vol. 1, № 2, p. 46 – 65.


Internet citations

1. Internet citations should contain all the standard data of the original edition on paper should be indicated, complaining with the fully formatted in agreement with the journal’s style guide, along with the link. When not all bibliographic data is accessible, the available data is indicated; list below the transliterations at the bottom of the reference, the link should be provided, specifying in brackets the last date information was accessed.

2. When citing current websites, the name(s) of the author(s) should be provided (if any) and the title of the article referred to along with the link, specifying in brackets the last date information was accessed, e.g.:

Музыкальные формы и жанры (б. a.) [Muzykal’nyye formy i zhanry]. (11.7.2013).