The chief editor in collaboration with the Editorial team shall conduct a preliminary selection and evaluation of the submitted proposals on the basis of the general requirements for publication and the issue topic announced in the open Call for Publication (CFP).
The papers accepted for publication shall be double-blind peer-reviewed.
Submissions in English and/or Bulgarian shall be sent to the editorial e-mails, included in the Call for Publication, in the print and online version of the journal. By exception and agreed with the Editorial team, papers in popular languages, such as Spanish, German, French, Italian and Russian, would be accepted. Authors from Bulgaria could also send papers in English or in any of the above mentioned languages, with the requirement that the papers have undergone a rigorous proofreading. Papers shall be submitted in two versions, full and anonymous.
The full version should include:
The title of the paper in Bulgarian/ or another language/ or in English;
The first name and surname of the author in Bulgarian/ or another language / or in English, followed by the first footnote with a summary of the author’s academic profile in English and their e-mail address, e.g.:
Example: Dr. Nadezhda Marinchevska is a Professor at the Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She was a long-term lecturer at the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts and the New Bulgarian University. Research areas: film studies and animation. Author of the books: Bulgarian Animation 1915–1995 (2001); Frames of Imagination. Aesthetics of Animation Techniques (2005) and Animation Hybrids (2015). Awards: The Union of Bulgarian Filmmakers’ Award for Film Theory (2006) and the Bulgarian Film Academy’s Award for Film Criticism (2014). e-mail:
Author affiliation/ workplace without abbreviations (in Bulgarian and in English);
Abstract, added below the title, and keywords (a maximum of 7, not repeating words/terms included in the title) in the language of the paper.
N. B. Please note that the abstract is a clear and concise (of no less than 400 and no more than 600 characters with spaces) presentation of the main subject, which the author is about to discuss in the paper.
The paper itself, fully complying with the style guidelines below;
Summary and keywords again (a maximum of 7, not repeating words/terms included in the title) in English for a paper in Bulgarian and vice versa.
N. B. Please note that the summary is a text different from the abstract, whose length is no less than 600 and no more than 900 characters with spaces.
Length: not less than 18,000 and not more than 45 000 characters (including spaces), incl. the abstract, summary, keywords, footnotes, references, filmography (if any), addenda;
Papers should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format (doc/docx);
Font: Both Cyrillic and Latin texts should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman;
Citation of Greek epigraphic and/or paleographic materials: Please, use Palatino Lino type font or another Unicode font, which contains all of the necessary signs.
Citation of Cyrillic epigraphic and/or paleographic materials: please use Cyrillica Ochrid10U (the font can be downloaded from here) or BukyVede.
Illustrations/Figures: not more than 10, in jpg or tiff format (the minimum resolution is 300-600 dpi). Figures should be submitted as separate files (1 file per figure) and not included in the manuscript text. The information about the figures/tables shall be given in Bulgarian and English and entered in a separate list, including of their provenance: book, journal, online (link), personal or public archives, etc. as well as copyright permissions or the right for free public use. Authors should clearly indicate the exact places of the illustrations in the text in brackets (Il. 1/ Fig. 1).
The provided list of figures/legends shall contain a description of each figure as follows:
In 1926 Michail Katz relocates to Stockholm and opens his own atelier, in which he leads a course in sculpture and painting. From this period is his renowned Worker – a male torso from granite with strong muscles and a hammer in his hand, which today could be seen on Industry Square (Il. 1 or Fig. 1).
Michail Katz. Worker, granite, Stockholm, Sweden, placed in a garden before being installed on a pedestal on Industry Square (CSA, f. 945, inv. no. 1, a.u. 103) –
No full stop is put after captions.
Figure captions to articles in English shall be in English.
Titles of books, journals, plays, films, musical works etc., should be cited in Italics without inverted commas in the text.
Headings, subheadings and key words should not be divided.
In papers in Bulgarian, the following inverted commas shall be used („……….“). In the papers in English, the inverted commas used shall be: “……….”.
Centuries are written in Roman figures (for instance, ХІХ в.) in Bulgarian and in Arabic figures in English, for example: 17th, 18th century. Writing the centuries in words is permitted: ‘… in the seventeenthcentury…’, ‘… during the eighteenth century…’, 17th–18th centuries (cc.), 21th century, of the mid-17th,18th century.
Italic and bold shrift could be used in order to delineate various levels of meanings, but underlining in the text should be avoided, including of e-mail addresses.
Papers in Bulgarian, in which the names of world famous institutions, brands, etc are quoted, are written with their original names in the Cyrillic.
Differences between a hyphen and a dash: A hyphen (-) is used in double names (Кл. Леви-Строс), phrases (Захари-Стояновите „Записки“; историко-географски контекст и др.) or in a double issue of a journal/magazine (№ 3-4). In marking relationships of the following types: ХІХ–ХХ в. или 1879–1958, as well as when quoting pages, e.g. 56–78, we use a dash (–), without spaces on both sides.
N.B. A dash with spaces is used in juxtaposition and relation: (черно – бяло; родно –чуждо), and a hyphen without spaces – in compound adjectives: (черно-бяло).
Please note that the whole and hyphenated wording of complex words (in equal or subordinate position) and the phrasal writing of compound words (which are used independently), for example:
nouns – тригодишнина, 50-годишнина, трийсет и пет годишнина;уебстраница, интернет страница, балетмайстор, кинокритика, радиопредаване, имейл адрес, видеоклип, етно музика;
adjectives– осемгодишен, световноизвестен, аудио-визуален,научнопопулярен, научноизследователски, научнофантастичен, научно-технически, научно-художествен;
complex adverbs – вдясно, вляво, досега, доскоро, от ляво надясно, от горе надолу)…
are written together.
In-text citations in Bulgarian are written with inverted commas, whereas in English texts, they are in Italics.
Quotations are inserted in inverted commas („ “) in the standard font, not in Italics. Quotations, which are more than 4 rows long, are written separately in a paragraph in a lower font size. Abbreviations in a quote are marked with round brackets: (…). Numbering is marked with dashes or in Arabic figures and finishes with a full stop. In numbered lists (1., 2., 3.), the text starts with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop. Foreign words are written in Italics. Use “– “ for a dash (not “ – “ or “—“).
A missed part from a quote is marked with dots in square brackets. If the beginning of a sentence is missed, then only dots are added, without brackets. Ex: Тъжно предчувствие се долавя в самотния глас, „висок […] и треперещ“, който се понася над смълчаното поле.
The lines of a poem, written in a separate paragraph, are not inserted in inverted commas. When they are cited in the text, they are written in inverted commas and divided by a slash and spaces on both sides, for example: Според евангелската притча за сеяча: „И семето чудно падаше в сърцата / и бързо растеше за жътвабогата“.
When the author’s text and the quote finish with one and the same punctuation mark, then the mark is put after the closing inverted comma: Яворов пише: „Ще легна при моята мила Лора“.
When the finishing punctuation marks differ, then both are included – before and after the closing inverted comma: Равносметката на моя живот: „Какъв бях и какъв станах!“.
In a citation in which the end punctuation mark is not part of the author’s text, then the mark is placed before the closing inverted comma: „Защото все пак ти си един голям магесник и аз те обичам повече, отколкото ни трябва и на тебе, и намене.“ Така завършва едно от писмата на Яворов.
Footnotes should be included on the respective page, automatically inserted with a number (Insert – Reference – Footnote). The index in the text is always written before the following marks: a full stop, a comma, semicolon, dots, a dash (19. , ; : –), and after: a question mark, exclamation mark, inverted commas (! ? „“ 19).
Художникът е роден в Мехомия1.
Никола2, Стоян3 и Иван4 получават музикалното си образование във Виена.
N.B. Footnotes should finish with a full stop, a question or exclamation mark. Endnotes are not acceptable.
An issue number in Bulgarian is written with №, and with a No in Latin. The abbreviations ‘ кн.’ and ‘бр.’ should not be used.
The application of generally approved abbreviations of classical works, main multi-volume publications, etc. is acceptable.
In-text citations give the author’s surname(transliterated, if the original document is in Bulgarian), followed by the date of publication, a colon and the page(s) in round brackets (Popov 1993: 287).
Тракийският орфизъм не „е идеалистическа философия“, а „начин на мислене и светогледна система“ (Popov1993: 287).
A collection by multiple authors: the editor’s surname is written followed by ed./eds and the date of publication, a colon and the page(s) in round brackets: (Dimitrova, ed. 1998: 56).
No author: the title is written (transliterated, if in Cyrillic): (Tehnicheski narachnik 1998: 56).
The Latin terms Ibidem, op. cit. Are not used – every cited item should described separately. The name of the author could be dropped, if it has been already mentioned in the previous sentence, for instance: „Както казва Наталия Тачева (1979, 45) в поемата няма…“. When numbering a list of resources, they need to be put in a chronological order, for example: (Jaroszewicz, 1966a, 65–68; Ihnatowicz, 1996, 13–21; Wolański, 2011, 234).
The author’s initials are used only in the cases when texts published in the same year by the same author/s are cited, for example:
(Б. Хелбиг, 2002, 76)
(Л. Хелбиг, 2002, 293)
Archival units are only cited in a footnote, not in the text: 45 CSA, f. 945, inv. no. 1, a.u. 7.
The full information is given in the Bibliography/Resources section:
CSA (Central State Archives ), f. 945: Централен държавен архив, фонд 945 – Михаил Яковлевич Кац [Centralen darzhaven archiv, fond 945 – Mihail Yakovlevich Katz].
No footnote citations of online resources are allowed. In-text citations of online resources include the author’s surname followed by the date of publication, a colon and the page(s) (if any) in round brackets: (Strause 2018: 5)
The links are included in the Bibliography/Online resources section at the end of the document.
All authors and works cited in the text should be referenced alphabetically at the end of the document.
N. B. Please use separate lists for resources, literature and online resources.
Please note that all names in Cyrillic should be transliterated into Latin. The name/s of the author/s is written only in Latin. If the title of the article is in Cyrillic, it is written in the original language, followed by its transliteration into Latin in square brackets [ ]:
Bratanova (2015): Bratanova, Bogralina. Приложна графика и символизъм в България [Prilozhnagrafikaisimvorizamv Balgaria]. Sofia.
For transliteration from Bulgarian and Russian, please see:
For transliteration into Serbian and Macedonian Cyrillic, please see:
Please note that all names in Greek should be transliterated into Latin.
Напр. Kalogeropoulos 1926: Kalogeropoulos, Nikolaos. Μεταβυζαντινήκαινεοελληνικήτέχνη. Athens.
To transliterate into Greek, please see:
In case, the resource is a Bulgarian translation of a text, whose original is in a language that uses Latin letters, the name of the author and the title are given as they appear in the original and are not transliterated:
Wajda (2010): Wajda, Andrzej. Киното и останалия свят [Kino I reszta świata]. Sofia.(Generally, the name of the author and the original title are placed in the heading of the publication).
The bibliography is divided into resources, literature and internet resources.
The used interviews, private and/or public archival materials, records, albums, catalogues, etc., that have been in-text footnoted, shall be listed here. The abbreviations shall be deciphered, transliterated and enclosed within square brackets [ ], If certain institutions have websites in English, the official name of the institution should be written in English and its link provided:
NLKM, BHA, f. 129: Национална библиотека „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, Български исторически архив, фонд 129 – Тефтер на Бончо Димитров [National Library “SS. Cyril and Methodius”, Bulgarian Historical Archive, fond 129 – Tefter na Boncho Dimitrov].
Here the cited monographs, books and collections are listed in alphabetical order according to the surnames of the authors.
Books in Latin letters: Parkinson (1996): Parkinson, David. History of Film. New York.
In-text citation: (Parkinson 1996: 44).
A book in Cyrillic (with transliteration):
Dafinov (2006): Dafinov, Zdravko. Приятелства и съперничества между българските поети, писатели и критици. Документална хроника 1845– 1945 [Priyatelstva i sapernichestva mezhdu balgarskite poeti, pisateli i krititsi. Dokumentalna hronika 1845–1945]. Sofia.
In-text citation: (Dafinov 2006: 65).
Multiple authors:
Cleland, Davies, Llewellyn-Jones (2007): Cleland, Liza; Glenys Davies; Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones. Greek and Roman Dress from A to Z. London, New York.
In-text citation: (Cleland, Davies, Llewellyn-Jones 2007: 253–254).
An author with multiple publications in a given year:
Grimm (1946a): Grimm, Jacob; Wilhelm. Седемте козлета. Преразказана от Елисавета Консулова Вазова [Sedemte kozleta. Prerazkazana ot Elisaveta Konsulova-Vazova]. Sofia.
Grimm (1946b): Grimm, Jacob; Wilhelm. Спящата принцеса. Преразказана от Ценко Цветанов [Spyashtata printsesa. Prerazkazana ot Tsenko Tsvetanov]. Sofia.
In-text citation: (Grimm 1946а: 6) and (Grimm 1946b: 12)
Slavova (2015): Slavova, Liubka. Кой се страхува от котарака? [Koy se strahuva ot kotaraka?] – In: Годишник на департамент „Романистика и германистика“. Юбилейно изднаие в част на доц. д-р Ани Леви. Съст. Мария Спасова. [Godishnik na departament „Romanistika i germanistika“. Yubileyno izdnaie v chast na dots. d-r Ani Levi. Sast. Maria Spasova.], Sofia, 399–407.
In-text citation: (Slavova 2015: 399–407 or the respective page).
N. B. When citing an article from a collection, „– В:“ is written after the title in Bulgarian, or „– In:“ alternatively, after the titles in Latin, without using Italics.
The names of the periodicals are not italicized and are preceded by a dash (–).
Penev (1907): Penev, Boyan. Литературата около „Българан“ [Literaturata okolo „Balgaran“]. – Мисъл [Misal], 1, 58–72.
In-text citation: (Penev 1907: 58–72, or a given page).
When a periodical is cited (a newspaper or a journal/magazine), a dash ( „–“) is used, without Italics.
N.B. If a journal/magazine has English variant of the title then it is provided and the Bulgarian title is not transliterated (e.g. Art Studies Quarterly, not Problemi na izkustvoto).
Internet/online resources
When quoting sources from the Internet you should provide (if the information is available): author, title, issue, number or date of publication, the internet address (link) and the date the source was accessed on the website:
Strause (2018): Strause, Jackie. 'BlackMirror' InteractiveFilm: Insidethe 2-YearJourneyof 'Bandersnatch'. –TheHollywoodReporter, December 28, 2018. Available at: [Accessed 22 July 2021]
In-text citation: (Strause 2018: and the page, if given).
Ruseva (2017): Ruseva, Maria. Модернизъм и постмодернизъм. Мистика и мистификация. – Култура, 21 април2017 [Modernizamipostmodernizam. Mistikaimistifikatsiya. – Kultura, 21 April 2017]. Availableat: [Accessed 24 April 2021]
In-text citation: (Ruseva 2017: and the page, if given).
The anonymous version of the paper should be submitted in a separate file. It shouldn’t include the names of the author or their affiliations. The anonymous version is submitted to external experts for an objective peer review. Please, make sure that:
- You do not include your name(s) after the heading;
- You use impersonal expressions to present your prior publications, for example … както вече беше споменато, (Anonymous 2009);
- The illustrations and the captions do not contain any affiliation/work related identifiers;
- You do not mention any sponsoring your research institutions;
- You do not express your gratitude to colleagues or institutions;
- You do not use the names of the files and delete the metadata, which could possibly reveal your identity.
We strongly advise that all papers, written in non-native languages, be proofread and corrected by native speakers/philologists. Submissions failing to meet the guidelines may be rejected for publication.
Submissions after the deadlines defined by the editorial team and included in the Call for Papers Invitation and/or failing to meet the above guidelines shall be rejected.
Please send both versions of your paper (the full and anonymous ones) to the emails, included in the CFP.
The deadline for submission is defined by the chief editor, agreed with the Editorial team and included in the CFP.
Name you files with the title of your paper (or with an abbreviated variant), and do not forget to add anonym to the second version of your paper. Please, do not include your name in the file name!
Both versions of the paper: The Stage Director in the Last Two Decades and his/her Transformations could be titled: The Stage Director in; The Stage Director in-anonym
Papers with illustrations should be titled as follows: The Stage Director in-Fig1,The Stage Director in-Fig2, etc.
If you have any inquiries regarding the technical requirements of the texts, please write to:
The authors of papers, accepted for publication in the Art Studies Quarterly Journal, are required to complete, sign and send a Declaration for Gratuitous Assignment of Rights of their paper with the obligation to grant a CC (Creative Commons) sublicense to the journal.
According to the Declaration clauses, the authors of papers, published in the Art Studies Quarterly journal, grant the Institute for Arts Studies at BAS, a nonexclusive and free license and give permission to use the Creative Commons sublicenses (Attribution-No Derivatives 4.0International (CC BY-ND 4.0).The aforementioned sublicense is needed for a potential online publication of the papers in a free access mode.
The authors keep their rights for a further full disposal of their works.
Internet users hold the rights to use the articles in the journal according to their level of access under the following conditions:
– authorship attribution – the author, title and its source is quoted along with the publication (reference of the original work, DOI) and the license,
– the creation of derivative works is forbidden – the paper should be kept in its initial format, i.e. no translation or rework of the texts can be made without the permission of the author.
The authors’ copyrights are preserved for all texts published from the very issue date of the journal.
The Institute for Arts Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences holds the copyrights of the journal as a whole (formatting, graphics, title, cover design, logo, etc.).