Anelia Yaneva

Prof., DSc Anelia Yaneva has authored thirteen books and a hundred or so studies and articles дх the art of ballet. She leads Musical Theatre research group at IAS, BAS.
Specialised in Paris and Marseille, France (1988).
– 1979: Ballerina, National School of Dance Art;
– 1986: Ballet director, Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory);
–1992: Ballet historian, Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory.
Joined IAS in 1992
– Янева, Анелия. „Арабеск“ – страници от историята на българския балет. София: ИФСетива, 1995. pp. 80;
– Янева, Анелия. За Маргарита Арнаудова с любов. София: Българо-английско дружество ПъблишСайтСет – Арги ООД, 1995. pp. 48;
– Янева,Анелия. Асен Гаврилов – два живота. София: Рокада, 1996. pp. 56;
– Янева, Анелия. Първите в зората на българския балет. София: ЕМ-КО`91, 1997. pp. 80;
– Янева, Анелия. Тълкувания на български сюжети. София: Матом, 2000. pp. 144;
– Янева, Анелия. Взаимодействия между класически и модерен танц в България. Процеси в българския балет. София: Експрес принт, 2004. pp. 296;
– Янева, Анелия. Хореографски подходи и жанрови преобразява-ния в балети от класическия репертоар. София: ИИИзк.БАН, 2009. pp. 576;
– Янева, Анелия. Фолклорни нашепвания в балетни реализации. Благоевград: УИ „Неофит Рилски”, 2010. pp. 350;
– Янева, Анелия. Маргарита Арнаудова: Не мога да отделя балета от себе си. София: Сивас, 2011. pp. 270;
– Бикс, Р. Янева, А., Каракостова, Р., Ценова-Нушева, М. Български музикален театър. Опера, балет, оперета, мюзикъл. Постановчици. Диригенти. Режисьори. Хореографи. Сценографи. Хормайстори. 1890-2005. – С., Институт за изкуствознание, БАН, С., 2008, pp. 816 (winner at a competition of Culture National Fund, Ministry of Culture);
– Янакиев, Александър, Анелия Янева, Василена Василева ey al. Софиорама:1928-1948. София, 2012, Институт за изследване на изкуствата, pp. 356;
– Бикс, Р., А. Янева, Р. Каракостова, М. Ценова-Нушева, Е. Жунич. Български музикален театър. Опера. Балет. Оперета. Мюзикъл. Рецензии. Отзиви. Коментари. 1890-2010. София. Гея Либрис, 2015, pp. 768.
1. BAAART 2 (Bulgarian Art Archives and Advanced Research Technologies) (2007–2009);
2. Choreographic approaches and genre transformations in ballets of classical repertoires (2008–2009), project leader;
3. The Eightieth Anniversary since the Establishing of the Society of New Artists (2012);
4. Bulgarian Musical Theatre. Reviews, Criticisms, Commentaries, book, auths: R. Bix, A. Yaneva, R. Karakostova, M. Tzenova-Nusheva, 2014;
5. Bulgarian Musical Theatre. Records, Reviews, Commentaries 1890–2010. Operas, Ballets, Operettas, Musicals (2009–2013), book, auths: R. Bix, A. Yaneva, , M. Tzenova-Nusheva, project leader.
Prof., DSc Anelia Yaneva has participated in Art Studies Readings: Music: Traditions and Contemporariness; Musical Theatre.
Courses of lectures at universities and academies:
Prof., DSc Anelia Yaneva teaches Choreographic Composition and Choreographic Directing, Stage Life of Ballet Masterpieces and History of Dance at SWU, Blagoevgrad, National Academy of Music and NATFA; established the discipline Contemporary Choreography at SWU, Blagoevgrad.
– SWU, Blagoevgrad: History of Dance, Classical Dance, Modern Dance, Choreographic Criticism and Analysis, Choreographic Genres and Styles (MA programme), Choreographic Directing (MA programme), Libretto and Treatment (MA programme);
– National Academy of Music, Sofia: History of Bulgarian Ballet, Stage Life of Ballet Masterpieces;
– NATFA: History of Ballet. Twentieth-century Various Genre Ballet Forms;
Prof., DSc Anelia Yaneva has supervised PhD students at:
1. Denitsa Ancheva, a part-time doctoral student; thesis on Approaches to Forming a Ballet Company and the Earliest Ballet Productions in Ruse (the turn of the twentieth century until the mid-1960s), (2010)
2. Stavri Angelov, a part-time doctoral student; thesis on Bulgarian Musical Stage Works for Children of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century. Typological and Genre Characteristics. Stage Life (2010-2013)
3. Assoc. Prof. Maria Blazheva, a PhD student on extramural study status; thesis on Costume Solutions on Musical Stage and Onscreen by Major Figures of the Twentieth-century Fashion Design (2013–2014).
1. Anna Pampulova, a part-time doctoral student; thesis on Dance Moves in Time and Space (2012);
2. Tatiana Sokolova, a part-time doctoral student; thesis on Choreographer and Theatrical Context (2012).
– 1989, Choreography Award, Festival of Opera, Operetta and Ballet Arts, Stara Zagora for the ballet The Kiss;
– 1995 Award for a Study on Ballet, Meeting of Ballet-makers, Dobrich, 1995;
– 2000 Annual Award for Book, Union of Bulgaria Composers, for Bulgarian Musical Theatre. Operas, Ballets, Operettas, Musicals. Repertoire, 1890–1997, BAS, Sofia, 1999/2000, pp. 258, auths: R. Bix, A. Yaneva, , Rumyana Karakostova.
1997–2001: Chairperson of Dance Committee, National Music and Dance Centre;
2000–2001: member of the National Expert Council of Music and Dance, Ministry of Culture;
2001–2005: Head of the Department of Musical Theatre, IAS, BAS;
2004–2008: Scientific Secretary, IAS, BAS;
2007–2009: member of the Commission for Art Studies and Arts, State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles;
2009–2011: member of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Arts, SWU, Blagoevgrad.