Kamelia Nikolova
2006: Prof. in Theatre Studies, IAS;
2006: Prof. in History and Theory of European Theatre, NATFA;
2004: DSc of Art Studies;
2001: Assoc. Prof. in Theatre Studies, IAS;
1999: Assoc. Prof. in History and Theory of European Theatre, NATFA;
1994: PhD.
1978–1979: Philology, University of Sofia;
1979–1984: MA in Theatre Studies, NATFA;
1988–1991: Doctoral student in History of European Theatre, Department of Theatre Studies, NATFA; thesis on the Genesis and Aesthetical Grounds for Stage Directing.
Specialised at:
1993–1994: History of the Twentieth-century European Theatre and Culture, Society for Theatre Research and the Theatre Museum, London, UK;
1994: Visiting researcher, University of Glasgow, UK.
Joined IAS in December 1994.
– Николова, Камелия. Другото име на модерния театър. Произход и естетически основания на драматичната режисура. София: УИ “Св. Климент Охридски", 1995;
– Николова, Камелия. Белези от нищото. Статии и есета за театъра. София: ГЕА 2000, 1998;
– Николова, Камелия. Експресионистичният театър и езикът на тялото. УИ “Св. Кл. Охридски", 2000;
– Николова, Камелия. Модерната европейска драма в Народния театър между двете световни войни. София: Фигура, 2004;
– Николова, Камелия.Театърът на границата на ХХ и ХХІ век. София: Фигура, 2007;
– Николова, Камелия. Британската драма 1945–1989. София: Институт за изкуствознание, БАН, 2009;
– Николова, Камелия (co-authored). История на българския театър. vol. ІV. Българският театър между двете световни войни. София: Институт за изследване на изкуствата, БАН, 2011;
– Николова, Камелия. Българският театър след 1989 и новата британска драма. София: УИ “Св. Климент Охридски", 2013;
– Николова, Камелия. Театърът в началото на ХХІ век. София: Панорама плюс, 2015.
Encyclopaedias, miscellanies:
– Николова, Камелия (co-authored). Познатата/непознатата българска драма. София: Антракт, 2001;
– Николова, Камелия (co-authored). Encyclopaedia of Bulgarian Theatre. Sofia:Trud, 2005; 2008;
– Николова, Камелия (co-authored). Театралната наука и критика – равносметки и перспективи. София: ИК “П. Венедиков”, НАТФИЗ „Кр. Сарафов”, 2005;
– Николова, Камелия (co-authored). Българското драматургично наследство – нови прочити. София: ИК “П. Венедиков”, НАТФИЗ „Кр. Сарафов”, 2006;
– Nikolova, Kamelia, an international team. Digital Theatre Words. OISTAT, 2014;
– Николова, Камелия (co-authored). Шекспир в България днес. София: НАТФИЗ „Кръстьо Сарафов”, 2014.
Selected studies and articles:
– Nikolova, Kamelia. Bulgarian Drama Directing as an Ethical Codex. – In: The European Legacy. Cambridge, USA. 1/1996;
– Nikolova, Kamelia. Ausverkauf der Innovationen. – In: Theater der Zeit (Recherchen 61: Landvermessungen Theaterlandschaften in Mittel-, Ost und Sudosteuropa). Berlin. 2008;
– Nikolova, Kamelia. Ice-cold Winter Landscapes after Love: Shakespeare in Sfumato, Sofia. In: Critical Stages: The IATC (International Association of Theatre Critics) webjournal, 5/2011;
– Nikolova, Kamelia. Der aufstand der verspateten modernisten. Generationen, Personlichkeiten und Asthetiken im zeitgenossischen bulgarischen Regietheater. – In: Theater der zeit, Recherchen 83. Berlin, 2011;
– Nikolova, Kamelia. Der Hunger nach Wahrheit. Bulgariens Gesellschaft rebelliert auf der Strabe und Theater. Nuntrat die Regierung endlinchzuruck. – In: Theater der zeit. October, Heft 10/2014;
– Nikolova, Kamelia. Theatre expressionism in Bulgaria: Geo Milev – In: Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences. Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, BAS, 2015, vol. 2, 3-4;
– Nikolowa, Kamelia. Nowy dramat Bulgarski. Ku teatrowi politycznemu – DIALOG. Warszawa, maj 5/2015;
– Nikolova, Kamelia. Silence of Loneliness in the Noisy World of Technology – Critical Stages/Scenes Critiques, IATC webjournal/Revue web del’AICT-June 13/2016.
Selected national and international projects:
– Encyclopaedia of Bulgarian Theatre, member of the team, 1995–2000;
– History of Bulgarian Theatre. Bulgarian Theatre in the Interwar Period, member of the team, Department of Drama, IAS, 2001–2011;
– New Theatre Words international projects for compiling a multivolume multilingual dictionary of scenographic terms, OISTAT. Sweden, 1998;
– Janus Project, The Fence international network for working playwrights and people who make playwriting happen, 2005;
–Digital Theatre Words international project (2011–2014).
Prof. Kamelia Nikolowa has delivered papers and participated in the mounting of a number of symposia and conferences both at home and in the UK, USA, Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Germany.
Courses of lectures:
NATFA, BAS, National Academy of Art, NBU and many Bulgarian and foreign universities, conducting BA, MA and doctoral courses on History of European Theatre; History and Theory of Stage Directing; Text and Interpretations; Avant-garde and Experimental Theatre; Contemporary Stage Practices; British Drama; New European Drama; Principles of Theatrical Research; Critical Practices.
– NATFA: Asst. Prof. (1992), Assoc. Prof. (1999), Prof. (2006) in History of European Theatre and Theory of Directing; Head of the Department of Theatre Studies (2000);
– Visiting Professor at NBU and the National Academy of Art, Sofia; visiting lecturer at foreign universities.
Prof. Kamelia Nikolowa has supervised 12 doctoral students at IAS, NATFA, NBU, etc.
– 1996 Award by the Union of Bulgarian Actors in Theatre Theory and Criticism category for her book The Other Name for Modern Theatre (1995);
– 1996 Askeer Foundation Award for theatre criticism;
– 2001 Award by the Union of Bulgarian Actors in Theatre Theory and Criticism category for her book Expressionist Theatre and the Body Language (2000);
– 2007 Icarus Award by the Union of Bulgarian Actors in Theatre Theory and Criticism category for Bulgarian Dramatic Heritage (2006, co-authored);
– 2010 Icarus Award by the Union of Bulgarian Actors in Theatre Theory and Criticism category for her book British Drama 1945–1989 (2009);
– 2012 Icarus Award by the Union of Bulgarian Actors for History of Bulgarian Theatre, vol. ІV: History of Bulgarian Theatre in the Interwar Period (2011, co-authored);
– 2013 Golden Mask Award by Varna Drama Theatre for theatre criticism;
– 2014 Icarus Award by the Union of Bulgarian Actors for her book Bulgarian Theatre after 1989 and the New British Drama (2013);
– 2015 Nomination for Pythagoras Award in Established Researchers in Social Sciences and Humanities category for research achievements;
– 2016 Golden Age Award by the Ministry of Culture.
Research related activities:
Member of the Association of Theatre Researchers, Reviewers and Playwrights, Union of Bulgarian Actors; IATC; Publication and Communication Commission of OISTAT and The Fence international network for playwrights and cultural operators; member of expert commissions for the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, Ministry of Culture and EC; since 1997, editor and contributor for the Stage page of Literaturen Vestnik (Literary Weekly); member of the editorial boards of European Journal of Arts Education j. (1999–2001); of Homo Ludens j. (since 2000); of To Be Continued j. (since 2001); of Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences j. (since 2014); Editor-in-chief of NATFA Annual (since 2001); Deputy Editor-in-chief of Art Studies Quarterly j. (since 2007).