Kristina Yapova

Prof. Kristina Petrova Yapova, DSc has authored six books in the fields of philosophy and theology of music and Bulgarian and contemporary European music. Her studies and articles deal with problems relating to fundamental musicological, philosophical and theological concepts such as ‘churchliness’, ‘ethos’ and ‘logos’; the history of the ideas of music of the medieval period (Boethius), Baroque (Burmeister) and contemporariness (Schoenberg); the establishing and development of musicological studies in Bulgaria; the musical and musicological oeuvres of major figures of Bulgarian musical culture.
1979 – Completed her studies in Musicology (National Academy of Music)
1983 – 1986 Doctoral studies (IAS)
1988 – PhD (IAS)
2006 – DSc
1997 – SRF of 2nd degree (Assoc. Prof.)
2008 – SRF of 1st degree (Professor)
Joined IAS in 1986.
– Музика и логос. „Моисей и Арон” на Шьонберг. София, „Рива”, 2015, pp. 226, ISBN 978-954-320-512-7;
– Music and Logos. Moses and Aron by Schoenberg (Abridged Version). Sofia: Riva, 2015, pp. 57 (Trans. by Alexander Gospodinov). ISBN 978-954-320-512-7;
– Звук и етос. Вариации върху тема от Боеций. София, Институт за изследване на изкуствата. София, 2011, pp. 253, ISBN 978-954-8594-27-1;
– Sound and Ethos. Variations on a Theme by Boethius (Abridged Version). Sofia: Institute of Art Studies, 2011, pp. 74, (Trans. by Alexander Gospodinov). ISBN 978-954-8594-27-1 (available in;
– Музиката на горните сърца. София, Институт за изкуствознание, 2007, pp. 184, ISBN 978-954-8594-04-2;
– Църковност и музикално мислене. С примери от творчеството на Добри Христов. София, Институт за изкуствознание, 2006, pp. 328, ISBN-10: 954-91697-6-6; ISBN-13: 978-954-91697-6-8
Архивът на Добри Христов. Каталог. София, МАТОМ, 2002, pp. 120, ISBN 954-9989-24-0;
– Добри Христов и идеята за личността и общността. София, „Рива”, 1999, pp. 120, ISBN 954-8440-27-Х.
Selected studies and articles (2010–2015):
– Новото в Neue Musik: един феноменологичен подход. – In: Академични пролетни четения’2014. София, 2015, pp. 47-54;
– Образование след образованието: музика и етос днес. – In: Ars musica и изкуството на образованието. София, 2012, pp. 403-408;
– Музикалната естетика като тема от филм („Хауърдс Енд” на Джеймс Айвъри). – In: Изкуствоведски четения 2010. София, Институт за изкуствознание, 2012, pp. 344-349;
– За музикалното разбиране на понятието „логос”. – In: Академични пролетни четения’2012. София, 2012, pp. 30-37;
– От “истината за музиката” към “музиката за истината”. – In: Научни трудове на Русенския университет “Ангел Кънчев”. Том 51, серия 6.3, Русе, 2012, pp. 148-152;
– Музикалният глас, или защо музикантът не може да бъде релативист. – In: Изкуствоведски четения 2011. София, Институт за изследване на изкуствата, 2011, pp. 26-32;
– Eastern Orthodox Identity of the Bulgarian Polyphonic Church Music from the Beginning of the 20th Century (On Dobry Christov’s Works for All-Night Vigil). – In: Bulgarian-American Dialogues. Sofia, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2010, pp. 509-516;
– Krastev, Alexandar; Khadjigeorgiev, Dimitar; Morfov, Alexandar; Obretenov, Svetoslav; (with Magdalena Manolova) Toncheva, Elena; Christov, Dobri; Manolov, Emanuil; Philip Koutev Folklore Ensemble – Grove Music Online. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, URL…start=1#firsthit.
Prof. Kristina Yapova has participated in a number of national and international symposia and conferences such as Art Studies Readings; Academic Spring Readings; 20th c.: Conflicts and Discoveries; Ars Musica and the Art of Education”; University of Ruse Scientific Papers, Christianity, Church and Culture over the Centuries; Bulgarian-American Dialogues, etc.
A distance-learning course on Elementary Theory of Music, University of Ruse, (2013/2014) under the Development of electronic forms for distance learning in the system of higher education project: http.//
A symposium devoted to: І. The Aesthetical, Ethical and Logical in Music; ІІ. Music and the Problem of Existence, under a project of the National Academy of Music, Sofia (in collaboration with Iakos Demetriou): Historical and Theoretical Problems of Music, winter 2012/2013.
Courses of lectures at universities and academies:
– National Academy of Music, Theory, Composition and Conducting Faculty: History of Bulgarian Music (since 2011); Introduction to Musicology (since 2013)
– University of Sofia, Faculty of Theology: Church Music. Concept and Method (2009);
– University of Ruse, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Education: Elementary Theory of Music (2010–2015)
Prof. Kristina Yapova has supervised four PhD students at IAS, BAS:
– Assoc Prof. Stefka Venkova, a full-time doctoral student, History of Music. Music Modernity group; thesis on The Music of the Catholic Church of the Eastern Rite in Bulgaria (2009);
– Radostina Lubomirova Nyagolova, a full-time doctoral student, History of Music. Music Modernity group; thesis on European Educational Projects and Individual Musical Thinking: Bulgarian Composers of the 1920s and 1930s (2012);
– Petya Ivanova Stefanova, a full-time doctoral student, History of Music. Music Modernity group; thesis on Baroque Musical Figures: Theoretical, Creative and Performing Aspects (2013);
– Zornitsa Manova, a full-time doctoral student, History of Music. Music Modernity group roup; thesis on The Hymn ‘It Is Truly Meet’ and its Polyphonic Interpretations in Bulgarian Music between the End-nineteenth until the Mid-twentieth cc. (enrolled in 2012).
– Union of Bulgarian Composers 2006 Award for Musicological Research, for her book Churchliness and Musical Thinking. Examples from Dobri Hristov’s Oeuvre);
– Union of Bulgarian Composers 2011 Award for Musicological Research, for her book Sound and Ethos. Variations on a Theme of Boethius.