Miglena Tzenova

1993: piano classes with honours, School of Music, Pleven;
1997: BA in Music Pedagogy, National Academy of Music, Sofia;
1998: MA, Choirmaster, National Academy of Music, Sofia;
1993–1995: courses in composition, National Academy of Music, Sofia;
1996–1997: courses in philosophy of music, National Academy of Music, Sofia;
2002: PhD, thesis on Choirs and Choirmasters in Bulgarian Musical Theatre. Urban Choral Culture in Bulgaria until 1945 as a Prerequisite for Emerging Bulgarian Musical Theatre, IAS;
2003–2005: SRF second class, IAS;
2005–2011: SRF first class/Asst. Prof., IAS;
2011: Assoc. Prof., IAS;
2014–2016: Scientific Secretary, IAS.
Joined IAS in 1999.
Specialised at:
2000: a summer seminar on Communicating Silence and Getting Funded, Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research (FRN), Velingrad;
2000: Upper Intermediate Advanced Course in English, BAS, Sofia;
2000: Excel, Internet, BAS, Sofia;
2006: a seminar on Adult Training Methodology, GOPA World Consultants, Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy, Blagoevgrad;
2009: grant-holder, seminar on Let Me Understand Your Language, Fourth Confucius Institutes Worldwide Conference, Beijing, China.
– Ценова-Нушева, Миглена. Пекинската опера дзин дзю. София: Амадеус принт, 2010. pp. 388 с. (ills., samples, tables);
– Бикс, Розалия, Анелия Янева, Румяна Каракостова, Миглена Ценова-Нушева. Български музикален театър. Опера, балет, оперета, мюзикъл. Рецензии, отзиви коментари. София: Гея-Либрис – Институт за изследване на изкуствата – БАН, 2015, pp. 768 (21 x 28);
– Бикс, Розалия, Анелия Янева, Румяна Каракостова, Миглена Ценова-Нушева. Български музикален театър. Опера, балет, оперета, мюзикъл. Постановчици: Диригенти. Режисьори. Хореографи. Сценографи. Хормайстори. 1890–2005. София: Институт за изкуствознание – БАН, 2008. pp. 816;
– Бикс, Розалия, Анелия Янева, Румяна Каракостова, Миглена Ценова. Български музикален театър. Опера, балет, оперета, мюзикъл. Театри, трупи, постановки. 1890–2001. София: АИ „Проф. Марин Дринов”, 2005. pp. 406.
– A Platform for Arts…, funded by BNSF, 2016/2017; 2015/2016;
– Opera, Ballet, Operetta, Musical, funded by BNSF, 13 Centuries of Bulgaria National Endowment Fund, 2014–2015;
2009–2010: Peking Opera, funded by BNSF;
– Bulgarian Musical Theatre, Music and Dance National Centre; 2008;
– BAAART 3 (Bulgarian Art Archives and Advanced Research Technologies), funded by BNSF, 2008;
– Bulgarian Musical Theatre, funded by BNSF, 2007.
Assoc. Prof. Miglena Tzenova-Nusheva has participated in a number of symposia and conferences such as the Third, Fourth, Fifth Youth Conference Art and Context, 2006/08/09, co-organiser; the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Tenth Research and Practice Conference You Hear, 2007/08/10/11, co-organiser; First Symposium of MED-El, 2008, Vienna; Fourth Confucius Institute Conference, 2009, Beijing.
Courses of lectures at universities and academies:
Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv: History of Musical Theatre, MA programme, 2011/13.
Research related activities:
Music teaching, recording and performance activities; authorship of classical and popular music, etc.; expert opinions for BAS, National Academy of Music, Sofia, Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv, Ministry of Culture, Plovdiv Municipality, Varna Opera House, etc.; programmes for music teaching of students, TV academies and formats; for extracurricular activities, etc.
Prof. Mariri Drinov 2006 BAS Award to Young Researchers Aged under 35 for significant achievements in musicology and research into the history of Bulgarian musical theatre; Book of 2011 Award of the Union of Bulgarian Composers in Musicological Work for her book Peking Opera Jing Chou; the Union of Bulgarian Composers 2016 Special Mention to the team behind the book Bulgarian Musical Theatre. Opera. Ballet. Operetta. Musical 1890–2010. Documents. Reviews. Commentaries; Special Mention and a Medal 2016 of the Union of Bulgarian Community Centres for lifetime contribution to the cultural life of Sofia and the country; BAS 2016 R & D Award for the online A Platform for Arts…, IAS, etc.