Milena Bozhikova

16 Feb 2018

Milena Bozhikova

Milena Bozhikova
Professor, DSc
Section Music Modernity

esearch fields: 20-21st century music, musical theory and history, theoretical systems, compositional techniques, Schenkerian analysis, cultural interactions, identities, interdisciplinary approaches, composer personalia, musical performances.
Since 1992 – Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor at the Institute for the Study of Arts at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
1990 – PhD;
2010 – DSc;
1984-2003 – University lecturer in Music Analysis, Musical Styles, Polyphony, 20th century music;
2003-2017 – Supervisor of four PhD students at the Institute for Art Studies: two of them with nominations for the Youngest scientist Prize at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences;
2008-2017 – Head of Contemporary music Research Group.
Additional: Musicologist at the Sofia Philharmony; An observer for the Kultura Weekly, Sofia; Editor at the Publishing House, Sofia; of the Bulgarian Music Journal “Balgarska musika”, Sofia.
Research Projects:
1. Coordinator and author about Bulgarian music for Grove Music/ Oxford University Press, 2012-2017.
2. Participant in the Balzan Research Project Towards a global history of music run by prof. Reinhard Strohm (Oxford University), 2015.
3. Project coordinator of “Cultural integration, identity and stability on the Balkans” between Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts; 2014-2017.
4. Scientific Advisor in the Project for Supporting Young Scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: Intonation and concert pitch a1 = 432 Hz; bulgarian and world practice: variability, impacts and results (2016-2017)
5. Coordinator of the project ‘Contemporary musical composition, theory and philosophy’ of the Research Science Fund at the Ministry of Education and Sciences, Bulgaria (2016-2019).
6. Scientific Advisor in the Project under a Program for Supporting Young Scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: “Systems of Intonation and Temperaments in the 20th-21st Century – Theory and Practice” (2017-2019).
7. Contemporary music in the European Music Festivals: Lucerne music festival (2016; 2017) with the Festival financial assistance; George Enescu International Festival (2015; 2017).
8. “György Kurtag: Philosophical and Musical Ideas That Uniquely Combine Western Tradition and Eastern European Mentality”. Funded by Paul Sacher Foundation, Switzerland 2008.
9-12. The dynamics of the musical processes during the 1990s (1997-1999); Methodological problems of the 20th century art (1995-1997); Thesaurus of the contemporary music (1995-1997); Contemporary musical culture (1993-1994).
Awards & Grants:
1. Academic award for scientific achievement in the Art studies by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2000).
2. Annual musicological award of the Union of Bulgarian composers ''A book of 1999" (for “Vassil Kazandjiev”, Sofia 1999, 440 p.)
3. Research grant (residency scholarship) in the Collections at the Paul Sacher Archive, Paul Sacher Foundation – Basle, Switzerland (2008).
4. Annual musicological award of the Union of Bulgarian composers ''A book of 2009" (for “20th century music as “late style”, Sofia 2009).
5. Award and diploma for active cooperation and contribution to the International Music Festival "Varna Summer" over the years by the Municipality of Varna (2011).
6. Publishing Grants: Centre for Music and Dance with the Ministry of Culture; "Pro Helvetia" Swiss Foundation for Culture; Gega New LTD; National Fund "Culture" (1998, 2008, 2009).
7. Medals for honours diploma after High School of Music (1978) and after M.A. degree after P.I.Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory (1984); Scholarship for education in Moscow from the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Sciences (1979).
Conferences & International new music forums (selected):

  1. “Requiem-Strophen“ (2016) by Wolfgang Rihm in light of his requiem concept”. Third congress of the Music Theory Society, Moscow 2017.
  2. "Visible and invisible: about the conjucture deformations in the musical creativity”. Academical ArtReadings, Sofia 2016.
  3. Musical traditions under different forms of power authority. – Round table and workshop Musical cultures under relationships of power: Europe and the Middle East in the realm of Balzan Research Project Towards a global history of music run by prof. Reinhard Strohm.  Jerusalem, Hebrew University on 25-26 October 2015.
  4. Contemporary music between the history and the eschatology. – Report on the International Conference Between Universal and Local: from Modernism to Postmodernism. Ljubljana, Slovenia, 28-30 September 2015.
  5. Identity of Bulgarian music abroad: emigrant music before 90s of 20th century. – Report on the 11th Congress of South-East European Studies. Sofia, Bulgaria, 30 August-04 September 2015.
  6. Post-Vanguard: Between minimalism and complexity. Brian Ferneyhough: musical categories and process of composition. – Report on the International Conference: The Music of 20-21th century. Academic readings, Sofia, 2015.
  7. ‘Three imperial legacies: the question of identity in contemporary Bulgarian art music’ – Report on the International Conference ‘Voices of identity. Vocal music and the de/con/struction of communities in the former Habsburgian areas 1914‐2014’, Austria, 2014.
  8. Rhizome as metastructure: Samuel Beckett and John Cage. – Report on the International Conference "Music-circus of John Cage", Moscow, Russia, 2012.
  9. Gyorgy Kurtag and Samuel Beckett: Beyond the Speech. – Report on the International Conference "Yuriy.Holopov and his scientific school", Moscow, Russia, 2012.
  10. Existentialism and Bulgarian music. – Report on the International conference "Music and Philosophy", Moscow, Russia, 2012
  11. The unnecessary intellectual. – Report of the Conference "D.Nenov and Lazar Nikolov – aspects of modernity in Bulgarian music", Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2012
  12. The Acoustic Pot: sound images of Vasil Kazandjiev in the metaphors of Yordan Radichkov. – Report of the Conference “Art Readings”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2012
  13. Musical composition in the twentieth century: between the projections of monads and rhizomes". – Report on the Conference "Music and Philosophy", Moscow, Russia, 2011.
  14. Dimitar Nenov – persona non grata of the Bulgarian officious. Port on the Conference "The margin of the twentieth century music", Petrozavodsk, Russia, 2011.
  15. “The Second Sex“ in the music: the feminization as evolution of composing in the twentieth century. – Report on the International Conference "Bulgaria and Russia (XVIII-XXI centuries) – Quo vadis? Roads and Crossroads, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011.
  16. The Interculturality as heresy. – Report on the Conference “Intercultural contexts – contemporary composers in Bulgaria and Austria”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011.
  17.  Quad” and Quadratic period as emanation of Western thought”. – Report on the International conference "Culture of the Russian Far East and the Asia-Pacific: East – West", Vladivostok, Russia, 2011.
  18.  Translation in the music of the twentieth century: Harvard lectures of Stravinsky and Berio. – Report on the Conference "New Ideas in musicology", Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010
  19. Pascal Dusapin and philosophy of the "folds". – Report on the Conference “Post-modernism in the context of contemporary culture”, Moscow, Russia, 2007.  Etc.

Publications (selected):

  1. Vassil Kazandjiev (monograph about composer and conductor), Institute of Art Studies, Sofia 1999, pp. 440. ISBN 954-90447-1-8.
  2. 20th century music as “late style”. Institute of Art Studies, Sofia, 2009, pp. 272, ISBN 978-954-8594-19-6.
  3. Scholia of the musicologist. Institute of Art Studies, Sofia, 2011, pp. 214 , ISBN 978-954-8594-30-1.
  4. Balkan identities (Comp. & Sc.Editor) Skopje, Macedonia, 2015, ISSN 0350-1914.
  5. Dynamics of cultural processes, transfer and memory (Comp. & Sc.Editor). Sofia: Academic Publishing House “Marin Drinov”, 2017, ISBN 978-954-322-900-0

Major articles
1.  73 Articles for Grove Music Online. Oxford University Press. NY 2015:
2. Dynamics of cultural processes. Preface. Coll. Dynamics of Cultural Processes, Transfer and Memory, Sofia: Academic Publishing House "Marin Drinov", 2017, pp.7-9.
3. Observations to the music of Vlastimir Nikolovski. Coll. Dynamics of Cultural Processes, Transfer and Memory, Sofia: Academic Publishing House "Marin Drinov", 2017, 100-106.
4. About Vassil Kazandzhiev, the truth and the revelation. ARTizanin, 2017, No. 3, pp. 146-152.
5. "Le Deuxième Sexe" (as per the French existentialist Simone de Beauvoir) in Music: Feminisation as an evolution in composition in the twentieth century. Bulgaria and Russia: roads and crossroads. Boyan Penev Publishing Center, Sofia Institute of Literature, Moscow Institute of Slavonic Studies, 2017, 331-342.
6. Great men of music. Rihm/Jansons/Ax/Haitink. Art Platform 2017.
7. Contemporary music between History and Eschatoligy.//From Modernism to Postmodernism. Bern: Peter Lang Verlag, 2016, pp.  279-299.
8. Three imperial legacies: the question of identity in contemporary Bulgarian art music. – In: Voices of Identity. Cambridge Science Press, 2018.
9. Brian Ferneyhough in the 20th century music. In: Philosophy and Art. Moscow, 2015, ISBN 978-5-8269-0205-9, pp. 140-147.
10. Bulgarian music abroad: emigrant music before 90s of 20th century. In: Bulgarian musicology, 2016/2-3.
11. Shostakovich in Bulgaria. In: Dmitry Shostakovich – research and materials. Vol. 5. Moscow: DSCH Publishing. (forthcoming)
12. Gyorgy Kurtag and Samuel Beckett beyond the speech. B: Музыкальные миры Юрий Николаевича Холопова: сборник статей / редкол. : К.В. Зенкин, М.И. Катунян (отв. ред.), А. С. Соколов. М.: Научно-издательский центр «Московская консерватория», 2016, сс. 484-492. ISBN 978-89598-320-1.
13. ‘Visible and invisible’: about the conjunctural deformations in musical works. In: VІ Academic readings. Sofia: Mars 2009, pp. 11-22.
14. Post-Vanguard: Between minimalism and complexity. Brian Ferneyhough: musical categories and process of composition. In: Academic readings, Sofia, 2015, ISSN 1314-9261, pp. 167-191.
15. Bulgarian art music and the constructions of Identity. In: Contributions. Skopje, 2015, XL 1-2, ISSN 0350-1914, pp. 197-212
16. Minimalism of G. Kurtag as social-political reflection.// In: Philosophy and Art, Russian Academy of Music Gnesiny, Moscow, 2014.
17. Vassil Kazandjiev and the directions of his musical thinking // In: The Bulgarian art and literature. Ed. by Institute of Musicology at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2015, ISBN 978 – 5 – 98287 -088 – 9, сс. 234-251.
18. Dimitar Nenov and the Existentialism. In: Bulgarian Musicology, 2011, No. 3-4, pp. 93-103.
19. Vita post mortem. // Balgarsko muzikoznanie (Bulgarian Musicology), 2011, No. 3-4, pp.5-7.
20. The „Accoustic Pot”: the sound shapes of Vassil Kazandjiev and the metaphors of Yordan Radichkov //Art Reading, 2013, Sofia, Institute of Art Studies.
21. Persona non grata of the Bulgarian officious structures.// In: The Northern in the traditional cultures and professional composers' schools. Russia, Ed. PeterGU, 2012.
22. Existentialism & Bulgarian Music// In: Philosophy and Art, Russian Academy of Music Gnesiny, Moscow 2012. ISBN 9785826901953, pp. 93-99.
23. The musical composition of the twentieth century: between the projections of the monad and rhizomes. //Collection of reports international conference "Art and Philosophy”. RMA Gnesini, Moscow, 2012.
24. „Quad” and quadratic period as emanation of Western thought”// "Culture of the Russian Far East and the Asia-Pacific: East – West", Vladivostok, Russia, 2013, pp. 95-102.
25. The music of Galina Usvolskaya and Sofia Gubaidulina as prayer appeal.// Current events in Russian Music last decades of 20th – beginning of the 21st century. Sofia, 2009.
26. Silence and Repetition by Samuel Beckett in the Morton Feldman's Music// In: Bulgarian Musicology, 2009, No. 3-4.
27. “In the Laps”: about Philosophy of the folding in the work of Pascal Dusapin”// Postmodernism in the Contemporary Culture, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, 2008.
28. Musical Dictates of the 20th century.// Bulgarian Musicology, 2007, No. 1.
29. „20th Century as Late Style of Civilization”// Fundamental studies in the Educational System, Tambov (Russia), 2008.
30. Bulgarian music in dissections of “axile time” in the Twentieth century music // In the footsteps of a new musical expression. Publ. Sofia Music Weeks, Sofia 2004.
31. Renaissance Texts or Musica Reservata in our Cultural Memory (Preface to the book)// Kristeva, Neva. Music theoretical studies. Bd. 2. ISBN 54-91000-4-9, Ed. Leading Technology, 2002.
32. Vasil Kazandjiev. In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart GbR, Baerenreiter-Verlag, Personenteil 9, Kassel, Germany, 2003.
33. Filip Kutev. In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart GbR, Baerenreiter-Verlag, Personenteil 10, Kassel, Germany, 2003.
34. Krasimir Kyurktchiiski. In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart GbR, Baerenreiter-Verlag, Personenteil 10, Kassel, Germany, 2003.
35. Sense and Modification of the term "Bulgarian Vanguard"// Revista Muzica, 2001/1, Bucharest (Romania).
36. Nikola Atanassov. In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart GbR, Baerenreiter-Verlag, Personenteil 1, Kassel, Germany, 1999, Bd. 1.
37. Angel Bukoreshtliev. In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart GbR, Baerenreiter-Verlag, Personenteil 3, Kassel, Germany, 1999, Bd. 3.
38. Die Reduktionsmethode von Heinrich Schenker an Beispielen aus der bulgarischen Musik// Bulgarian Musicology, 1999, No. 2.
39. Tradition and Actuality// Bulgarian Musical Chronicle, 1998, No. 2-3.
40. Dodecaphony in Bulgarian music// Journal of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1998, No. 5-6.
41. Heinrich Schenker and His Diagnosis of Musical Perfection// Bulgarian Musicology, 1996, No. 3.
42. „20th Century as Late Style of Civilization”// Fundamental studies in the Educational System, Tambov (Russia), 2008.
43. Bulgarian music (by Vassil Kazandjiev style) in dissections of “axile time” in the Twentieth century music // In the fo
otsteps of a new musical expression. Publ. Sofia Music Weeks, Sofia 2004.
44. Renaissance Texts or Musica Reservata in our Cultural Memory (Preface to the book)// Kristeva, Neva. Music theoretical studies. Bd. 2. ISBN 54-91000-4-9, Ed. Leading Technology, 2002.
45. The Fibonacci Series in Some European Samples and in Vassil Kazandjiev's Music// Muzikalni Horizonti (Musical Horizons), 1989, No. 8.
46. Style: Probability and Choice// Balgarska muzika (Bulgarian Music), 1990, No. 8.
47. Aspects of the Aleatoric// Balgarska muzika (Bulgarian Music), 1989, No. 2.
48. Clusters and Folklore// Balgarska muzika (Bulgarian Music), 1988, No. 9.
49. Electronic, Music, Authors// Balgarska muzika (Bulgarian Music), 1987, No. 2.
Book prefaces, annotations, reviews; opinions, recensions for academic development procedures in Bulgaria, Russia and Macedonia; author of concepts for conferences and projects etc.
Over 300 reviews and articles on compositional and performing art in professional publications and art journals.