Nikolay Iordanov
1998 – PhD
2001 – Assoc. Prof.
2005 – SRF of 2nd degree
2012 – Professor
2016 – DSc
Specialised at Amsterdam Summer University, the Netherlands, 1991; British Council, London, UK, 1994.
Joined IAS in 1995.
1. Позната / непозната българска драма [В колектив], Сдружение Антракт, София, 2001, pp. 98, ,ISBN 954-90705-1-4
2. Българската драма – поглед от периферията на текста, ИК П. Венедиков” София, 2002, pp. 175, 7 illus., ISBN 954-9870-12-Х
3. Театрите в България между двете световни войни, ИК П. Венедиков, София, 2004, pp. 271, 22 illus. , ISBN 954-9870-21-9
4. Българското драматургично наследство [В колектив], ИК П. Венедиков, НАТФИЗ „Кр. Сарафов”, София, 2006, pp. 151, 17 illus., ISBN-10: 954-9870-27-8; ISBN-13: 978-954-9870-27-5
5. Енциклопедия на българския театър, [В колектив. 80 авторски статии] Труд, София, 2005, [2008], pp. 466, ISBN 954-528-502-8
6. История на българския театър. Т. 4. Българският театър между двете световни войни на ХХ век. [В колектив. Авторска част от книгата: „Културна политика и развитие на театралната мрежа”, pp. 7 – 112], Институт за изследване на изкуствата, София, 2011, pp. 528, ISBN 978-954-8594-25-7
8. Le Théâtre et le monolithisme réglementé de l’espace socio–culturel, – In: “Contributions to the First Worldwide Competitions for Young Sociologies”, vol. 3, Bielefeld, 1991
9. Случаят Войдан Чернодрински – Македонска кърва сватва и историите на тяхната “История”, – In: Homo Ludens j., САБ, С., 2000, No. 1
10. Mosaic of Differences – In: “Du Théâtre” j., Special Issue No. 17, June 2009, pp. 17-19 [A Collection of Papers from the international conference of the European Theatre Forum “Power and Theatre; Power of Theatre”, Nice, December, 2008] ISSN 1243-5139; ISBN 978-2-910203-41-2 (English/French)
– Encyclopaedia of Bulgarian Theatre, 1995–2000; a collaborative project of the Department of Theatre;
– History of Bulgarian theatre. Bulgarian theatre in the interwar period, 2001–2011. a collaborative project of the Department of Theatre
Prof. Nikolay Iordanov has participated in a number of symposia and conferences at home and abroad, incl. as an organiser and moderator.
Courses of lectures at universities and academies:
NATFA: Analysis of theatrical performance; Cultural policies; NATFA, National Academy of Art, Sofia: Performance theory
Prof. Nikolay Yordanov has supervised a number of PhD students at IAS and NATFA.
1990 – Second Prize, Sociology of Arts section, the World Congress of Sociology Madrid. 1990 for his paper Le Théâtre et le monolithisme réglementé de l’espace socio–culturel;
2003 – Union of Bulgarian Actors Individual Award for his book Bulgarian Drama: A Look from the Text Margins, P. Venedikov, Sofia, 2002;
2012 – Union of Bulgarian Actors Award for the authors of the book History of Bulgarian theatre. Vol. 4. Bulgarian theatre in the interwar period. IAS, Sofia, 2011;
2015 – Ministry of Culture Golden Age Award: Sign of Honour of Tsar Symeon the Great for his contribution to the development of Bulgarian culture;
Editor and compiler of Homo Ludens, a journal for theatre history, theory and criticism; member of the editorial board of the NATFA Annual.
Since 1995, co-director of Varna Summer, a major international theatre festival held in Bulgaria; curator and programmer of World Theatre in Sofia platform since 2007; member of various expert committees with the EC, Ministry of Culture and Sofia Municipality