Peter Denchev

28 Apr 2023

Peter Denchev

Peter Denchev
Assist. Prof. PhD
Main areas of research: Bulgarian theater after 1944. Acting, directing. Scenography, performance space; theory and history of directing and space

Peter Denchev is a theater researcher, director and writer. He graduated from Directing for Drama Theater at NATFA Krastyo Sarafov in 2010 and Master's program Theater Art in 2017. Doctor of Theater Studies and Theater Art from 2021 at the Institute of Art Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Chief Assistant from 2022. Over the years, there have been nominations and awards from various poetry and prose competitions (Development, Svetlostrui, Veselin Hanchev, Ecstasy – Altera magazine). With his novel The way a man kisses a woman he loves he won the competition for a new Bulgarian novel Development in 2007. Later he published the collection of short stories Stories in the past (2010, Janet 45 Publishing House) and the novel The Quiet Sun (2012, Janet 45 Publishing House). His novels The Little Earthquake God (2019, Jeanette 45 Publishing) and Scrolling (2021, Jeanette 45 Publishing) have been nominated for the Helicon Prize (2019, 2021). His works have been translated into Serbian, Macedonian, Slovenian, German, English and Farsi. He staged performances on the stages of most of the major theaters in Bulgaria (National Theater Ivan Vazov, Satiric Theater Aleko Konstantinov, state theater Stoyan Bachvarov Varna, state theater Sava Ognyanov Ruse, state theater Geo Milev Stara Zagora, etc. .). In the period 2017-2018, he was a dramatist of Stoyan Bachvarov state theater Varna. In the theater he worked on texts by authors such as Edward Albee, Jordi Galseran, Sarah Rule, Shakespeare, Moliere. His performances have been performed at various festivals and forums in Serbia, Romania, Kosovo and Montenegro. Since 2020, he has been a director at DT "Stefan Kirov" Sliven.
Petеr Denchev is the director of more than 20 plays in major Bulgarian theaters, author of prose and other literary works.
Денчев, П. Употреба и функция на пространството в театралния спектакъл (от 1968 г. до наши дни), Жанет 45, 2023, ISBN: 978-619-186-811-7
Scientific articles:
Denchev, P.. The changing paradigms. Problems of Art, 3, Institute for the Study of Arts, BAS, 2022, ISSN:0032-9371, 53-58
Денчев, П.. Младен Младенов – театралното пространство в преход. Изкуствоведски четения, Персоналия, Ново изкуство, Институт за изследване на изкуствата, БАН, 2022, ISBN:978-619-7619-05-8, ISSN:1313-2342, 116-124
Денчев, П. Времеви коридори: творчески тандеми между режисьори и сценографи в българския театър през 80-те и 90-те години на XX век. Изкуствоведски четения 2020. Модул ново изкуство: Пътешествия, II, Институт за изследване на изкуствата, БАН, 2021, ISBN:97895485947142412, ISSN:0005-4283, 259-265
Денчев, П. Пространството като територия на съпротива. Проблеми на изкуството, 3, Институт за изследване на изкуствата, БАН, 2020, ISSN:0032-9371, 42-47
Денчев, П. Някои от подходите в пространствената организация на режисьорската работа на Стоян Камбарев и Елена Цикова в тандем със сценографите Виолета Радкова и Красимир Вълканов. Изкуствоведски четения 2020. Модул ново изкуство: Мотиви, модели, ескизи., II, Институт за изследване на изкуствата, БАН, 2019, ISBN:978-954-8594-95-0, ISSN:0005-4283, 497-503

Lecture courses in universities:
Directing at the National Academy of Arts.