Stefka Venkova
2015: Assoc. Prof., PhD, IAS;
2010: Asst. Prof., IAS;
2009: Specialist, IAS;
1998–2009: Part-time teacher, Department of Music, NBU;
1996–2006: Music teacher;
2010: PhD in Musicology and the art of music;
1996: MA in musicology, Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv;
1995: MA in Music Pedagogy, Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv;
1990: School of Music, Ruse.
Joined IAS in 2009.
Specialised at:
1998: Seminar of Gregorian Chant, Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge, UK;
1997: Interpretive course for pianists with Profs. Peter Feuchtwanger, Günter Reinhold, Boesendorfer Klavierfabrik,Wien, Austria;
1995/1996: grant-holder of Open Society Club. Plovdiv for research in contemporary music;
1996: masterclasses conducted by Prof. Anatol Vieru, March Days of Music IMF, Ruse;
1994/1995: masterclasses in opera accompaniment conducted by Profs. M. Lilova and I. Stiglich, Varna Summer IMF, Varna.
Venkova, S. (2016) Апостол Николаев-Струмски: живот, вдъхновен от музиката (Apostol Nikolaev-Stroumsky: a Life Inspired by Music). Sofia: Institute of Art Studies, 241 pp. (with summary in English)
Venkova, S. (2010) Музиката на Католическата църква от източен обред в България (The Music of the Eastern Rite Catholic Church in Bulgaria). Sofia: Catholic Apostolic Exarchate, 206 pp. (with summary in English)
Studies and articles:
Venkova, S. (2021) Полски духовни песни в българската източнокатолическа музика (Polish Popular Religious Songs in Bulgarian Eastern Catholic Music). – In: Bulgarian Folklore, vol. 4, Sofia, 2020, 446-459 (with summary in English).
Venkova, S. (2021) Архив „Църковна музика“ в Института за изследване на изкуствата: история, систематизиране, изследователски аспекти (The Church Music Archive of the Institute of Art Studies: history, systematization, research aspects). In: Bulgarian Musicology, Special Issue: Art Studies, Archives and the Internet. History and Perspectives. Sofia, 2021. 72-86 (with summary in English).
Venkova, S. (2021) Българският музикален съюз като професионално обединение: личности, взаимодействия, противопоставяния (The Bulgarian Music Union as a Professional Association: Personalities, Interactions, Oppositions). In: Art Readings 2021: Personalia. Sofia, 575–583 (with summary in English).
Venkova, S. (2021) Св. Йоан Кукузел в изданията на Българския музикален съюз: данни и интерпретации (St. John Koukouzelis in the Editions of the Bulgarian Musical Union: Data and Interpretations). In: St. John Koukouzeles – Personality, Work, Epoch. Ed. in chief S. Kujumdzhieva. Sofia, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 78-91 (with summary in English).
Venkova, S. (2019) Биографичните данни за Николай Ив. Николаев (1852 – 1938): нови данни и съвременен прочит (Biographical Data about Nikolay Nikolaev (1852-1938): New Facts and Contemporary Read). In: Bulgarian Musicology, vol. 2, 2019, 76-95 (with summary in English).
Venkova, S. (2019) Многогласната богослужебна хорова музика в католическата църква в България (30-те – 80-те години на XIX век) (The Polyphonic Liturgical Choral Music of the Catholic Church in Bulgaria (1830s – 1880s). – In: Musical Activity of the Encyclopedist Dobri Voynikov (1833–1878). Ed. In chief Stefan Harkov. Shumen: Constantine of Preslav University Press, 2019, 117–128 (with summary in English).
Venkova, S. (2016): West-European, Balkan and Bulgarian Religious Songs: Influences and Interactions. In: Bulgarian Musicology, vol. 2-3, 2016. South East European Studies in Musicology. с. 86-97.
Venkova, S. (2015) The Musical Activities of the Congregation of the Resurrection’s Mission in Bulgaria (mid-19th – mid-20th c.) In: Bulgarian Historical Review, vol. 1-2, 2014, 97-103.
Venkova, S. (2013) Апостол Николаев-Струмски (1886–1971): биографични данни и творческо наследство (Apostol Nikolaev-Stoumsky (1886–1971): Biographical Data and Musical Heritage). In: Bulgarian Musicology, vol. 2, 2013, 65-83 (with summary in English).
Venkova, S. (2010) Някои особености на източнокатолическата литургична музика в България (Some specific features of the East Catholic Liturgical Music in Bulgaria). In: Orientalia et Occidentalia, vol. 6. Košice, Analecta Instituti studis spiritualitatis Orientalium Occidentaliumque provehendis nomine P. Michelis Lacko appellati, 2010, 365-371.
2020-2022 – The Cultural Heritage in the Archives of the Institute of Art Studies in Bulgaria: an interactive map of the arts in Bulgaria to the Construction of the Creation and development of “Heritage BG” Centre of Excellence.
2017-2019 – BYZART Project – Byzantine Art and Archeology Thematic Channel.
2013, 2015, 2019 – Erasmus + Teaching Mobility at Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poland.
2009 – BAARTI 3: Bulgarian art archives, resources and research technologies
Assoc. Prof. Stefka Venkova, PhD is a musicologist at the Music Department, Institute of Art Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Research field: XXth century Bulgarian Church Music, cultural interactions East – West, composers, music archives and musical institutions. Author of the books: ‘The Music of the Eastern Rite Catholic Church in Bulgaria’ (2010) and ‘Apostol Nikolaev-Stroumsky: a Life, Inspired by the Music’ (2016), and more than 50 papers in Bulgaria and abroad. Stefka Venkova is secretary of the Musicological section at UBC since 2014 and a member of the Bulgariаn section at the International Musicological Society since 2016. She is a member of the Union of Scientists in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Association of Byzantinists and Medievalists. Stefka Venkova is an artistic director of the Choir at the Bulgarian Catholic Apostolic Exarchate in Sofia. Participates in significant international scholarly forums: Bułgarystyka – jej dawny, współczesny i przyszły wymiar. Biografie, kręgi, instytucje. November 18-19, 2019, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland; 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, August 22-27, 2016, Beograd, Serbia; 11th International Congress of Southern European Studies & the 6th International Conference of the IMS Regional Association for the Study of Music of the Balkans, 31 August – 4 September 2015, Sofia; Third International Congress of Bulgarian Studies, May 23-26, 2013, Sofia; 22nd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, August 22-27, 2011, Sofia; Międzynarodowa Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja: Chrześcijański Wschód i Zachód: formy dialogu, wzory kultury, kody pamięci. October 21-22, 2010, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland.
Courses of lectures at universities and academies:
NBU, Department of Music, 1998–2009: General History of Music; History of Opera; Music Pedagogy at School; Preschool and Primary School Music Pedagogy; Methods of Music Education; training for State Exams; supervision of graduates.
Research related activities:
Church choirmaster.
2017 – Book of the year 2017 award of Union of Bulgarian Composers for Apostol Nikolaev-Stroumsky: a Life Inspired by Music.
2017 – Nomination for Outstanding academic achievements of the Union of Bulgarian Scientist for Apostol Nikolaev-Stroumsky: a Life Inspired by Music.
2011 – Book of the year 2011 award of Union of Bulgarian Composers for The Music of the Eastern-rite Catholic Church in Bulgaria.
2011 – Award for Outstanding academic achievements of the Union of Bulgarian Scientist for The Music of the Eastern-rite Catholic Church in Bulgaria.
1994 – Prize-winner for scientific research, First Bulgarian Academic Competition, Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv;
1994 – First prize at an anniversary conference on youth research, Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts, Plovdiv.