Marmalade, the embroidered animation film by associate professor Dr Radostina Neikova has been selected for two international festivals


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Marmalade, the embroidered animation film directed by Assoc Prof Dr Radostina Neikova from the Arts studies department at BAS has been selected in the official program of the 31st Animafest Zagreb, World Festival of Animated Film (7-12. 06. 2021), in Croatia – one of the most renowned world festivals for animation films.

This is the second oldest and biggest film festival in the world, founded in 1972, which is entirely dedicated to animated films.

The film has also been selected to participate in the 61st Zlin Film Festival – International l Film Festival for Children and Youth, Czech Republic, held between 9th and 15th September 2021. The film festival is the oldest and biggest convention for films for children.

Marmalade has been created with animation of original handmade embroidery and is meant for younger audiences. The project has been supported by the National Film Centre and produced by Korund-X.  

Marmalade, the embroidered animation film by associate professor Dr Radostina Neikova has been selected for two international festivals

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