The Council of Ministers already adopted the Draft Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria, defining it even as ‘pro-growth’. In its provisions that concern …
Author: Emmanuel Moutafov
This author has written 20 articles

Emmanuel Moutafov
Department of Fine Arts
Arts of the Medieval and the National Revival Periods research group
PhD, Assoc. Prof., Director
Byzantine Studies; Greek epigraphy; palaeography; Christian iconography; cults of saints; works on painting; cryptograms; Athonite art; Constantinople; Jerusalem; history of Balkan culture; lexicography, etc.
Arts of the Medieval and the National Revival Periods research group
PhD, Assoc. Prof., Director
Byzantine Studies; Greek epigraphy; palaeography; Christian iconography; cults of saints; works on painting; cryptograms; Athonite art; Constantinople; Jerusalem; history of Balkan culture; lexicography, etc.
After a State Agency for Research and Innovation (SARI) was established by the newly elected Cabinet in the summer of 2021, now, a Ministry …
The intention of the incumbent Turkish authorities to convert Hagia Sophia back into a …
The media informed at Christmas 2019 that the Louvre had confirmed the third Bulgarian exhibition, tentatively titled Art and Cultures in Bulgaria (16th–18th cc.). …
It could be safely said that I have known Alexander Kuyumdjiev since the last months of the previous millennium, when my work as a …
Researchers from the Institute of Art Studies have voiced their opinions concerning the Draft …