Conversation of Irina Genova with Damyan Damyanov Damyan Damyanov is a famous name in …
Author: Irina Genova
This author has written 17 articles

Irina Genova
Department of Fine Arts
New Bulgarian Art research group
PhD, Prof.
Art institutions and practices in Bulgaria and the Balkns in the modern age; history of prints and printing; history of women artists; history of historiography of art; contemporary art practices
New Bulgarian Art research group
PhD, Prof.
Art institutions and practices in Bulgaria and the Balkns in the modern age; history of prints and printing; history of women artists; history of historiography of art; contemporary art practices
Nina Kovacheva and Valentin Stefanov, Nina &Vale.’NinaVale’ are visual artists from Paris and Sofia who for decades have served as an example for exhibition …
Arosita Art Gallery reopens after two months of nationwide lockdown measures with Slav Suite, a solo exhibition by Nikolay Petkov. His low-profile but persevering …
Early this September, I was happy to visit the exhibition of the Athenian Techni Group (Omada Tehni/Art Group) on the occasion of the Group’s …